hi everyone, I sometimes get tingling or numbness on my left toes at night which seems to be due to poor circulation as it would ease if I wriggle them. Has anyone had similar experience? Would it lead to any serious problem? Thanks.
Toes tingling at night from poor blood flow? - MPN Voice
Toes tingling at night from poor blood flow?

That sounds like a microvascular issue. Perhaps a mild version of erythromelalgia. I had this issue when I was off the aspirin. An appropriate dose of aspirin resolved the issue.
Since this is a relevant MPN symptom, suggest you let your MPN care team know about the issue. They can best advise on how to resolve the issue.
What is an appropiate dose of asprin to treat the numbness tingling?
It depends on the individual. I do fine with one low-dose aspirin per day. Others find they need twice per day. This is an issue best addressed with your MPN care team who can work out the best plan for you.
Note that at the time I had this issue, I was completely off the aspirin. I actually found relief w/ 1/2 dose of a chewable aspirin. I would not want to suggest what your dose should be. Best to get the symptom properly assessed to ensure this is a microvascular issue and then to determine an appropriate plan.
I get it as side effects of PV but turns out after neurologist visit that I have Morton syndrome in toes which has been treated and carpal tunnel in both heals , which is in process of being treated. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
is it only at night? Do you have any back issues?
Back problems can also cause numbness and tingling in feet. That’s why I asked if you had back problems. Was thinking mattress/ position whilst lying down. Maybe try a different bed to see if it makes a difference, just to rule it out.
I have mild erythomelagia but it can occur any time of day. Before Dx, I found elevation actually relieved the tingling/ hot swollen toes. That and cold floors.
I take ½ a regular aspirin every 3rd day and that is enough for me to keep all symptom's at bay.
If it is erythromyalgia, aspirin should help.