been diagnosed with Pv for about 12 years. Recent tests have shown thankfullythat I do not have myelofibrosis.
I am 71 and in good spirits rather good health
I wanted to address all those who might have Restless Leg Syndrome
I previously for years in my mind linked this to a shortage of iron in my blood, after phlebotomies.
But I want to report a surprising discovery.:
I am using computers, to read my news and to do important things and for my work. It’s pretty extensive the time I spend on computer each day, including the cell phone as most of us do.
I have had restless leg syndrome for at least 8 years and it has been getting worse and worse.
It is to the point so bad I started not being able to sleep, even with medication, I am getting to sleep approximately 5 PM in the morning and sleep till
Now : yesterday I put blue screen filters on all my computers, including my cell phone, my iPad, and my 27 inch monitor, I have a Mac mini.
I was surprised to find last night that I had virtually no restless leg syndrome. After my medication.: include 900 mg gabapentin, and 75 mg pramipexole. I went to bed at about 12:00 PM last night and did not have ANY problem in my legs.
I am as much in shock as anybody that restless leg syndrome could beSeriously exacerbated by computer use, without blue light filters.
next is my 50 inch TV on the wall. I am fearful of turning it on because I don’t want to trigger my restless leg syndrome. I will wait for the filter to arrive..
I am both thankful and in amazement that this could be the cause of my great suffering. I hope this helps someone.