I have ET and been on Pegasys 45micrograms every 17 days. I have been on it since April 2024. My nails have become brittle and are splitting longitudinaly. Has anyone else experienced this.
Brittle nails: I have ET and been on Pegasys... - MPN Voice
Brittle nails

Similar problem.
Yes mine are the same n seem to be worse on pegasus but I'm not complaining because my platelets are in the normal range so happy with that. I'm going to try biotin I think that's what's it's called for hair n nails.
I’ve had that for awhile too tho I think it started when I was on Hydrea. Been on Pegasus for 6 months and it hasn’t improved. I didn’t know if it was my age, 62, post menopause, inflammation, ET or medication?
morning I am Jak2 positive ET one of the first things I was aware of when platelets started rising 10 years ago pre diagnosis was a change in finger and toe nails brittle breaking longitudinal lines and ridges after some time I also developed fungal toes nails that were spongy impossible to cut and split longitudinally. This along with red sore feet which shed skin constantly.
Last year I had a 7 month course of systemic tablet form anti fungal medication from Gp and completed course the nails have changed beyond belief the sore peelingskin and red feet gone .. after years of trying everything. I am delighted . The allopurinol I was put on for 1 month when starting Hydroxycarbamide helped with the itching redness . But really only whilst on it . L don’t know if this is helpful
Sweet almond oil has been wonderful for me, nails and more. I can even use it ears to stop excessive dryness. My ear doc recommended it
Brittle nails (onychoschizia) is not a commonly reported side effect from Pegasys. It is a well known with hydroxyurea, however. There can be other causes for this issue. I experienced brittle-soft nails and spoon nails (koilonychia) as a result of venesection-induced iron deficiency. It resolved when I was able to get my iron levels higher.
While PEG would not typically cause brittle nails, it is possible to be an indirect cause. PEG can trigger autoimmune issues in some people. Brittle nails can be a sign of this. That is not to say that is what is going on. This issue can happen for a number of reasons and mechanisms.
Suggest that you not just ignore this issue. Let your MPN care team know what is going on with the nails and any other issues you may be experiencing.
Wishing you all the best.
Yes, my nails are ruined. I've been on Hydroxyurea, Pegasys, and Jakafi, and they all seem to do that. Until I started this treatment, I had nails that were long and strong, and my family thought I could be a hand model! I guess that's just something we have to live with. My hair fell out on Pegasys, so I'm glad that's stopped with Jakafi.
Hi I have been taking hydroxycarbamide for about 18 years and my nails have suffered. I have splits in some of my finger nails which means I have to keep them very short. My toenails have dark streaks in them - told it’s chemo nails! I’ve tried nail oils and strengtheners but not found anything that’s been effective.
I have some of the dark streaks in mine as well. I showed it to a Dermatologist I went to, and he had nothing to offer. The splits hang up on my clothes, and sheets, so I have to keep mine super short also. The only thing that has helped mine a little, tiny bit is called Hard as Hoof. If I am diligent about putting it on at bedtime, it does seem to help. Problem is doing it consistently. My entire little finger has started turning purple at times. It is one of the ones with dark streaks in the nail. Feels like Drs. have nothing to offer us for some of these side effects.
Hello all... HNY...
Before I became first diagnosed in 2016, I had suffered for 15-20 years with problems to my cuticle, mainly on my hands...
After diagnosis, I commenced taking 'Low -Dose' Aspirin, and the cuticle problem almost resolved itself overnight... (within 4-6 weeks?)
Hope this helps...
My fingernails have been tearing on and off for several years. More recently it was pretty bad with a tear in every finger nail. I started taking vitamin & mineral supplements but that didn't resolve it. I was also suffering from some bursitis and achiness in my knees so I bought a pill containing chondroitin, glucosimine, MSM & hyaluronic acid. After 10 days I noticed my fingernails were much better. Also my skin wasn't as dry. I researched the 4 chemicals above and believe it is the hyaluronic acid that did it. I also bought a bottle for my 82 yr old sister. Sure enough after 10 days she noticed improvement in her nails. Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body but I guess we're not producing as much as we age.