I am taking Hydroxy I suffer with arthritis do any of you taking this medication use ibuprofen is it okay
ibuprofen : I am taking Hydroxy I suffer with... - MPN Voice

Hi, I have ET and osteoarthritis but remain active, the arthritis gives me more trouble than the ET. I generally do not take pain killers but of recent times I have resorted to a couple of paracetamol followed by a ibuprofen 'chaser' first thing in the morning after breakfast, it seems to set me up for the day. I do not think we are supposed to take Ibuprofen with the blood thinner (I take clopidogrel) and I know my hydroxycarbomide caused gastritis and of course Ibuprofen can cause gastric irritation but I reckon a 'treat' now and again would not do any serious harm, constant pain is not easy to live with. I know my exercise helps and I just hope that I am able to continue with this. Always best to ask your doctor first, a lot depends on what you already take. Hope you get some relief. Best wishes.
The ongoing combination of ibuprofen with aspirin is generally not recommended due to the drug interaction.
Avoid/Use Alternative ibuprofen + aspirin avoid aspirin >325 mg/day; otherwise, use alternative or monitor bleeding s/sx, renal fxn; may give low-dose aspirin at least 2-4h before or at least 8h after single ibuprofen 400 mg dose: combo may incr. risk of GI ulceration, perforation, bleeding (incl. life-threatening), renal impairment, other adverse effects; ibuprofen may inhibit cardioprotective effect of low-dose aspirin (additive effects; possible competition for platelet binding sites) epocrates.com/online/intera...
The occasional use of ibuprofen may be OK with due caution. I do use it occasionally, Best to check with your MPN care team for case specific advice.
I would note that I have had better success with using curcumin to manage arthritis, It has been more effective than any NSAID I have ever used. While there is some level of risk combining with aspirin, it has never been a problem for me. A daily dose of curcumin reduces pain and inflammation significantly, It makes a big difference in level of function. It is best to check with a knowledgeable medical provider about the sue of complimentary health interventions.
Wishing you all the best.
thank you Hunter I do appreciate your response I never take ibuprofen but just wanted to know if I could take them as a one off just ease the pain I will enquire about curcumin as I have never used that
The occasional use of ibuprofen is what I do when it is going to work better than acetaminophen. I have never had a problem using it on an occasional basis. I do not need to consider it for arthritis anymore as the curcumin works better anyway. Do check with a provider familiar with complementary health on that. I consult with an Integrative Medicine doc for this reason.
Any simptom with ...TIS, mean inflamation.Good quality of Curcumin extract and milk thistle will help a lots.
Corticosteroid is another option
Ibuprofen just treat the simptom.
Long-term use is not advice, coz it may affect to kidney.
Consult to your doctor for the best choice.
I was told only to take ibuprofen occasionally, I have severe knee arthritis and it’s very painful. I have cocodamol prescribed by GP, it takes the top edge of the pain off. I also do aqua fit 4 times a week as walking is painful. I’ve just started taking turmeric/curcumin hopefully that will help.
Hi, I have ET and I’m on Hydroxycarbamide and aspirin. I often have shoulder pain which I don’t think is related to the ET. My consultant advised against ibuprofen because of interactions with the aspirin. He recommended paracetamol. When I asked if Ibuprofen gel on the sore area was ok. He said not to use it either but he recommended deep heat cream and I find that helpful. I’m not keen on the strong smell but it seems to work well for me. Best to ask your care team if you are thinking of using ibuprofen. The risks may be different depending on your situation. Take care.
glad to be of help xx