I’m 72 years old hispanic female & was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorder - Primary Myelofibrosis on January 2024. I started with Jakafi 10 mg (bid) on February 2024 & my symptoms have been very interesting.
During the 1st two weeks I experienced nauseas & dizziness with both dosages, morning & night. I even fell & spent 2 days in the hospital. For the past month I started to experience the following only with the morning dosage after 2-3 hrs of taking it: my feet get heavy & my legs start to get achy, then I feel a strong heat inside my body (not like a hot flash), all of the sudden I get very tired & some days I get a very strong pain in my neck, left arm or both legs. I normally try to take a nap & around 3 pm I start to feel better. Has anybody experience any of these side effects?
I drink at least 3 quarts of water throughout the day & my daughter has me drinking gatorlyte drink with the morning dosage & 8 oz of pedialyte with the evening dosage. It helps lessen the pain I experience during my morning dosage & I sleep ok at night, I only take Tylenol for pain.
The positive out of all of my experience is that my wbc, platelet & other blood counts are starting to move toward normal parameter, but others are going up (my liver enzymes) & my hemoglobin is starting to drop, ugh. I feel awful & so sick every single day. I don’t even want my md to raise my Jakafi dosage. I was in pain before my diagnosed, but now… no bueno. This is all new to me & I’m so scared 😢