If you are on anticoagulants what platelet numbers do you have? Are any of you also on hydroxycarbamide too?
High platelets due to ET or MF is anyone on anti... - MPN Voice
High platelets due to ET or MF is anyone on anticoagulants such as Clexane or Heparin?

my platelets 436 and on hydroxycabamide
I have ET and first drug taken was immediately aspirin 81 each evening. Platelets were just under 1.4M. After lots of blood tests, including genetics and BMB, added hydroxyurea that started to bring down platelets but its side effects were too much to take. Switched to anagrelide with same result. Been on low dose peginterferon for year plus still also aspirin 81 and going good. Platelets down to 800k and continuing to go down. Never had bleeding, clotting or spleen issues since diagnosed. We are all different, however, so beware your experience can be very different.
Platelets of 500 on rivaroxaban since PE
I have been on warfarin since early aug '23 after budd chiari diagnosis. I was then diagnosed with ET late November and started low dose peg interferon in December '23. Daily Aspirin was added in Feb '24.So far the peg interferon is doing well at lowering my platelets (around 400).
If my INR drops out of range, I am usually prescribed daily inhixa injections until back in range. I believe this is the same idea as clexane.
Hi Jointpain, I’m on Hydroxycarbamide and Abixaban anti-coagulant with Numbers in the 350-400 region. No problems apart from Fatigue and joint & bone pain, but also have arthritis. I’m 74 year young male.
hi, I’m on warfarin and aspirin alongside hydroxycarbamide (as well as a few other meds) and have been for about 18years, at the moment my platelets fairly stable around the 350-400 mark. I’m 46, female and have had a couple of blood clots and a bleeding episode many years ago.
Thank you LPPL for your answer and everyone else. The reason I asked is my wife has MF and is in hospital after another bleed, she was taken off Anagrelide and hydroxycarbamide due to poor prescribing while having a GI bleed when her platelets dropped to 4 after a few days in hospital her platelets are rising and will probably be 1000 by tomorrow yet she is now having Clexane and started hydroxycarbamide two days ago. She has had high platelets previously which resulted in bleeds. So I'm a little worried that the high platelets and anticoagulants are not a good mix.
Clexane is a bridging drug used when regular anticoags have to be stopped for whatever reason- be it surgery, or in her case, extremely low platelet count.The staff are looking at risk factors, in a sense. They can treat any (potential) bleeds a lot easier than a (potential) stroke which could leave major deficits, or even death.
Im a peri op nurse, and our pre op patients, many with huge amounts of comorbidities (more than one condition at the same time) are all taken off their warfarin/ pradaxa (riv) prior to surgery and given clexane if indicated, for roughly 4-7 days before.
Also have ET
Thank you Zingawinga for your reply. I should clarify that my wife hasn't been on anticoagulants since she was on warfarin for about a year, six years ago after a portal vein thrombosis which occurred two months after her Splenectomy when the GP decided that heparin could be replaced with an aspirin, and she had a monster of a GI bleed the day she was to see the consultant that has been seeing her these past six years. This latest bleed can be put down to platelets which reached 1.45million. she has had many bleeds when platelets go over 1million. But alas she does suffer from a chronic bleed which gets less or more dependent on unknown factors. The GI consultant doesn't really bother with them, the Hematology consultant really just tops up her RBC and ferinject at times when her ferritin is below 15. She has had 6 transfusions this year alone which equates to 16 bags of RBCs and I think 1 or 2 ferinject. Her dosage of hydroxycarbamide and Anagrelide have been altered recently due to new hematologists taking over while her normal one is off sick. Hence the weird FBCs recently. They have prescribed Clexane while her platelets are on the rise and will reach 1 million by the time her FBC is checked tomorrow morning. She was supposed to be having an endoscopy and colonoscopy this weekend but never did. Now she's been in hospital for 9 days, had two bags of RBCs and one bag of platelets! All the fun of the fair!!
hi joint pain , I am taking aspirin , amlodopine and Hydroxy for almost two years now by August , my platelets bring down to 350 from 1,100 . I have dark nails on fingers and toes , that's the only side effects I have .
Hi my platelets are 570 and on Apixaban.