I'm in my upper 40s, diagnoses with PV several years ago.
My platelets were just shy of 1.1M at the peak before starting Besremi in May 2023. At that time I was getting a phlebotomy about every 2.5 months to keep HCT below 45. Like others have said on this board, it seems the evidence is strong to keep HCT strictly below 45. My WBC had climbed to close to 12 as well at that time.
I started on Besremi with 50 mcg and it was gradually increased to 400. More recently my liver results (AST and ALT) had become elevated so my dose was reduced to 350 and my liver results over the past 4 weeks have returned back into the normal range.
Since being on Besremi my platelets are now stable in the 250k range (also normal). I am still getting phlebotomies every 2.5 months, but I'm only 9 or so months into Besremi and the ramp up was very gradual.
I'm shocked how few are on Besremi. My only side effects have been itchiness, especially not long after taking a shower. I find that Zyrtec or the generic version is easily 80% effective. I take it when I feel the itchiness coming on which happens every few days. As my dose has stabilized, the itchiness also seems less frequent and strong.
It has been hard to find good recent research and information spreads relatively slowly in the medical world. It appears that 12-18 months is when I would hope to have a reduction or elimination of the phlebotomies. Is that the experience of others?
Have others experienced improvement on Besremi on allele burden of the mutation?
My Besremi dose has remained on the higher side b/c my specialist said some more recent data suggested an improved chance at disease modification at higher doses. One of the obvious hopes of Besremi is that it will help with disease progression rather than simply treating some of the symptoms by just getting phlebotomies. Thoughts?
In terms of other drugs coming, I have been reviewing the results of Rusfertide and I'm not sure it has that much of an advantage. It had no impact on platelets in the study that I saw, but did control HCT much faster than Besremi. Still, with Besremi having the opportunity to modify disease progression, and being the only potential drug to do this, I don't understand why Besremi isn't far more widely prescribed.
This is my first day on this board, glad I found it. Sharing information for this condition is very helpful.