Does anyone feel that Hydroxyurea causes your skin to dry out and wrinkle faster?
Dry skin: Does anyone feel that Hydroxyurea causes... - MPN Voice
Dry skin

Yes 100% my skin is crapey and very dry
That is disappointing . I wasn’t sure if it was the medication or just my age. Thank you for your reply.
Absolutely . Fed up with this drug now . Been on it 10 years . Skin very dry . Funny little marks on it too . Legs go blotchy and red in warm weather . Feet go red and peel . Face and nose have patches . Have shown GP but they just say moisturise and say stay out of sun. I’ve never like to sun bathe but even going for a walk it’s hard to stay out of the sun . This drug does lower platelets but heamatocrit Higher now. Speaking to socialist Friday .
I have definitely noticed a huge change in both my skin and hair/nails since I started taking Hydroxy
I always had oily skin but now I am buying products for very dry skin. My hair used to need washing every couple of days but I can leave it 4/5 days now and my fingernails split. I recently lost one of my toe nails completely!
Yes, definitely. I use L'O real Revitalift SPF 30 but there may be better options. Currently awaiting a hospital appointment because of 'crusty' patches (small) on my face. Sallie
Skin conditions are well known HU common adverse effects.
skin ulcer
peripheral erythema
facial erythema
nail hyperpigmentation (long-term use)
skin hyperpigmentation (long-term use)
nail atrophy (long-term use)
skin atrophy (long-term use)
I haven't found negative effect on skin. In fact when I had Ayervdic massage a few days ago she said my skin was looking particularly good . !!!Do hope you find something to help
Dear wichie. Yes my skin is very dry since taken hyroxycarbamide. Also finger nails split
But I was warned that would happen form consultant from the time I was diagnosed
my mother had a problem with splitting fingernails and she didn’t have this condition but what I have found is to use super glue at the tips and that keeps them from splitting and then I polish was hard as nails. It has only happened on one fingernail so far and this started before the medication.. the superglue really works
Definitely….. sadly.
I'm intolerant to Hydroxy but have very dry skin from the interferons (Pegasys and Besremi) I was on before. We'll see what happens with Jakafi now. I'm wondering if all the MPN medications cause dryness or if it's the disease itself.
What could be expecting if you poisoned your self everyday...?
Taking antioksidan and tumeric maybe could reduce ot slower the side effect
When I was on Hydroxyurea, it caused hair loss, changes in skin texture, mouth ulcerations and a variety of other symptoms I had to deal with. Due to it's toxic nature and my body unable to tolerate the drug, I'm no longer on it but have had great success with ruxolitinib,(Jakafi), in the states.
Although Hydroxyurea is the go to drug that Dr's start most of their patients on, many can not abide the side effects, but just as many have success being on it and tolerate it. Knowing your own tolerance and also the dosage you are on, is important.
Yes! My skin has become very dry. And with winter coming it will get even worse. I try to remember moisturizer both morning and night. I find Vaseline at night has been very helpful.
Been on hydroxy since 2017 and I never looked my age before, sure do now though. Dry crepey skin face,arms and legs, dry brittle nails with ridges that were never there before. I use argan or rosemary oil on my skin after showering but the positive effect doesn't last long unfortunately.
That is very depressing
Didn't mean to depress you. We all have various things to tolerate on these drugs and I'm just happy it's doing it's thing re the symptoms I experienced pre diagnosis. I'll never not look the best I can and a sense of humour is invaluable. Treated myself to some rather expensive botanical skincare so I've not given up the fight as regards the face! 😂
Yes, I was on Hydroxyurea for 20 years and my skin ( especially on my legs) gets so dry and flaky , it looks like dandruff !
I find CeraVe cream is the best to keep me moisturised, head to toe. I live in Portugal and when I last bought it, the pharmacist inquired about it because the packaging isn't very exciting but asked if she should be recommending it. I gave a firm yes. I seem to be allergic to everything and yet it doesn't break me out.
Afraid so! Been on Hydroxycarbamide since June 2021.