Is coughing a side effect of taking Hydroxycarbamide? I am constantly coughing. As explained before I am an ET patient and JAK2+. My haemo does not think so but my primary care doctor seems to think so. Help!!!
Dry Cough: Is coughing a side effect of taking... - MPN Voice
Dry Cough

Hi Trinigirl.
I haven't heard that coughing is due to HU. I too had dry cough especially during the night. I did some googling and it can be a side effect of acid reflux. Spoke to my GP and was put on omprezole which has sorted my cough out.
Just a thought for you worth asking the question.
Best wishes Sandy
I also suffer a dry cough, was also told that it was due to acid reflux so when needed I take Omeprazole, this does seem to help, so have been also told by Doc it is my ACE inhibitor Zestril I take for high blood pressure been on it for years that has caused the cough, have tried other ones but get side effects this seems to be the only one that suits me apart from the cough, It gets worse when and if the central heating is on why I do not know, through summer I am fine, suppose it’s because I am always outside in the fresh air, well as fresh as it can be 😷😜
Yes I think probably there are several meds that can cause this problem. Certainly the omeprezole helped me . As Rebecca said best go to your GP.
Regards Sandy.
Sorry for taking so long to respond. Real trying times. I do suffer from acid reflux from time to time. I still cough a lot but not as often. I have realised that it eases up when I take the meds for the acid. Thanks. Lots going on but I am coping and visiting my doctors. Thanks and I am so sorry for the long delay.
Yes,I think so.I get attacks of cough which I never had before and I am also investigated by docs. No acid reflux.
Dry cough needs to be checked out with chest xray at the very least......
From time to time, I too get a dry cough -usually in a morning. I'm on hydroxy and also take omeprosol. No indication of reflux. Its not something I have asked about, but perhaps I should.