I started taking Angerlide a few weeks ago and still take 1 Hydrea a day. The only side effect I have noticed is the feeling of my heart pounding. Does this symptom go away over time? Should I get my heart checked? Has it effected anyones physical activity as well? I like to workout but don't want to over work my heart.
Anagrelide heart palpitations/pounding - MPN Voice
Anagrelide heart palpitations/pounding

Hi here, I was given Anagralide when hydroxyurea turned problematic. I had been for ecg etc prior to starting it (I went privately) as I had heard it was advisable. I will never ever forget the Anagralide. I could her my own heartbeat all the while and it sounded like a constant train going through my ears with all the whooshing. I was taken off it immediately and file marked not be given again. I then got. Ruxilitinib and I always say it was my lifesaver. Well it actually gave me back a life! If I was you I’d get it checked out. Best wishes. Janice
Thank you for comment. That sounds very scary! Would you mind telling me what they found? I know this is a side effect so not sure if this is something to be expected or can cause long term damage.
Note this warning.
Call your doctor at once if you have: ... fast or pounding heartbeats, fluttering in your chest, and sudden dizziness (like you might pass out); epocrates.com/online/drugs/...
Possible side effect of anagrelide include: Common - tachycardia. Serious - Congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, torsades de pointes, ventricular tachycardia.
Suggest you treat this as an emergent issue and call your provider immediately.
Please do let us know how you get on.
Yes, this in a known side effect. For me, it lessened over time. When it happened, I would just sit or lie down and wait for it to pass. Strangely it never happened at work so I wonder if there was a psychological side to it too.
I had heart palpitations on Anagrelide but they subsided after the first few weeks. Good luck
hi, I couldn’t tolerate Anagralide due to the constant heart palpitations after taking. I did have heart checks and test because of this, and my heart was/is 100% good. I went onto interferon, which has been great for me.
I reacted this way after doctor increased dose from 2 to 4 mg per day. I knew palpitations, skipped beats could result and they did. It was about an hour after taking the drug and lasted about an hour. Very scary hearing your every beat and knowing heart was racing for no good reason. Saw cardio doctor immediately and was put on monitor and took several tests. He confirmed heart good and reaction to drug. He was not familiar with the drug and suggested stop taking it. I said enough of this and would not take risk to wait it out to see if those side effects would stop. There were also no benefits seen yet to offset the bad. I happily switched to peginterferon, a whole new approach to treatment. It’s been 6 months of slow and easy with my one side effect being a single small red inflamed spot on my shin. It went away after getting ointment from dermatology. Brain fog, overwhelming constant fatigue, appetite and taste are no longer issues. I do get tired, get occasional lower back and hip pain, sometimes overly irritable but these can be managed. I have ET JAK2. Please do not ignore the heart side effects and stay safe!
I had intermittent heart palpitations with anagrelide which settled down. However the consultant didn't put me on them until my heart had been checked. As others have suggested it would be a good idea to report this to your doctor.
I had palpitations when I first went on it, nothing too scary, they gradually faded, only popped up occasionally. Hope all goes well for you.
I took anagrelide for close to a year which was supposed to decrease my platelets and complained the entire time to my Dr. I had the heart palpitations and developed tachycardia. I was referred to a heart doctor who put me on beta blockers and suggested heart ablation. I finally insisted I stop the anagrelide and the palpitations began to stop. I will never take that drug again and it never decreased my platelets.
Hi Buggerbear,
I had the same experience as you did with Anagrelide.
Developed tachycardia with heart palpitations an hour after each tablet.
I am now on Pegasys and it is working well.
Good luck
I had slight palpitations when I first went on it, wasn’t hard though , they gradually subsided sort of disappeared
Have been taking Anagrelide with baby aspirin for more than 10 years. I tolerate it better than Hydrea