Hi All,
After reading Polly PV post regarding her Eye issues, I have decided to write my issues!
I started out with ET five years ago some 3 months later MF was diagnosed..
I am JAK2 with ASXL1 drivers etc, I started on HU and it brought Platelets down eventually.
Three (3) years ago I started Ruxolitinib 20mg daily.. Fine for a period of time, then Platelet’s started rising again . Back on small dose of HU with my Rux which definitely makes a difference to Bone Pain.
I’m now taking 30mg Ruxolitinib daily and 10 tabs of HU weekly , I would much prefer to not take HU along with Rux but it keeps Platelets in check..
Over the past 5 years I have been diagnosed with various issues. I also have a small node on my Liver, Nothing to worry about I am told…
I had a Scan which identified two (2) Nodules on my Thyroid, sample taken and again Nothing to worry about.. If I visually see my throat enlarged etc then return to the ENT Centre..
I also have a Kidney / Renal issue which is monitored…
Over the past 4 years my Eyes have become very sensitive, DRY EYES etc, if the AC is on in the car it’s a nightmare, Wind etc, I need Goggles!
Like others here I have Eye Drops Hylo Tears 1% and Hylo 2% Zero Preservatives, I have to use these drops as often as possible so the Eye Consultant instructed.
I also have Betamethasone Drops and Carboomer Eye Gel.
I use the Gel frequently especially last thing at night.. I am well Medicated to say the least.
When I first started taking HU within the first few days I experienced my First Bleed in the Eyeball, very worrying.
The cause has never been established I simply had a Bleed. I continued to have Bleeds in either Eye so much so that I now recognise the pain that proceeds a Bleed. They are much more frequent nowadays I have just had two (2) in 10 days.
The Eye Hospital discharged me 18 months ago,” it’s one of those things “ it’s Not Blood Pressure so ???
I currently have a very bruised Eyelid almost as if I had a Black Eye .
I have just turned 71 years had my Eyes Tested 16 months ago and had new specs for reading etc.
Worried something was not right I got another test done 2 weeks ago, sight has changed slightly but biggest shock I have a full blown Cataract on Left Eye.. Not noticeable cosmetically but there in a short space of time..
Recently I notice my Nails are breaking and no matter what I feed the nails with they are now very short.. I don’t bite my nails and I have never been a Smoker with regards to other issues mentioned..
I can only come to one conclusion all these different issues I have and having read similar on here it has to be our Circumstances ??
I’m about to have a total Hip Replacement later this month, that is enough to worry about at the moment.
I will be requesting a Referral back to the Eye Hospital Bristol tomorrow ..
It appears that several of us have oddities going on, I wonder if there are more suffering similar symptoms?
I have a great Haematologist and I also have an MPN Consultant who I will see in June..
Thank you in advance for reading this tale..
I hope you all have a nice B/H and the Sun shines for everyone…
All the Best Folks
Maria 😁