I just got a possible Dx of tooth resorption on a tooth. Simplified this is when the immune system dissolves tooth materials from inside or outside. Usually a root canal or implant is required. I will post updates. In searching info I came across this report implicating both Peg and Rux for different oral risks:
This para summarizes the findings:
"In a multivariate analysis including all parameters described above,treatment with Peg‐Ifn (OR = 11.4) or ruxolitinib (OR = 14.77) are the most significant parameters associated with need for oral care (P < .0001 each). Peg‐Ifn use was highly associated with gingival abscess (OR = 5.8, P = 0.004) and to a lesser degree to tooth loss (OR = 3.93, P = 0.053), whereas there was a nonsignificant trend toward association of ruxolitinib with tooth cracks (OR = 2.34, P = 0.097)"
Those are huge odds ratios. The plots show these effects I think before the multivariate analysis. HU and other MPN drugs were not a risk in this study.
I had a couple tooth cracks last year early in my Rux Tx, one on a cherry pit, reasonable, and another during teeth cleaning. Lately none.
Have any other members on IFN or Rux had tooth issues that might be part of this risk?