Further to my previous post from yesterday I just thought I’d update you all of the outcome from my Consultants telephone appointment today incase my info may be of use to others….
Due to ongoing high platelets (usually in 500’s) I am currently under investigation for ET. I have had numerous tests to date and have proved negative to the 3 main drivers (Jak2, CalR, MPL). A bone marrow biopsy may be the next step….
On reviewing my latest bloods, platelets 565, my Specialist noted that I am still iron deficient. Not severe enough yet to be aneamic, but low Ferritin, Transferrin saturation etc…. As she can’t yet rule out that this could potentially be the cause of my high platelets, all talk of a bone marrow biopsy has been put on hold until I get my iron right.
I’m not sure if it will end up being a Reactive cause for me or not but time will tell. I’ll continue with the supplements. I must admit I always thought you had to be actually Anaemic to affect your platelets but apparently in some cases Iron deficiency without anaemia alone can do this….
I also asked her if I should be having a scan on my spleen as I’ve read that this can be a standard part of the diagnostic work-up but she said that this is only needed when platelet counts are low in the blood to check if platelets are being overly stored in the spleen itself instead. As my platelets are high in my blood and as I have no discomfort in my spleen area she feels this is unnecessary.
Finally I asked if I should be on any sort of blood thinners ie baby aspirin at this stage and she said that in my current case no. Reason being I am already Iron deficient and struggling to rectify it and so making my blood thin would be counter-productive as although I’m 51, I have not yet gone through menopause and I am menstruating regularly (sorry if that’s too much info) and thinners could make me lose more blood. So she seems to be focusing more on getting my iron levels right than any possible cautionary medication for potential blood clots, I can only trust in her judgement and hope she is right….?
So all in all I’m quite happy with how the conversation went…. My journey is still ongoing, I may end up rectifying my iron deficiency and still have high platelets so a future bone marrow biopsy to test for Triple negative ET could still well be on the cards going forwards. For now though I’ll try to get my stress and anxiety down a little from it all and cross each hurdle as I come to it…
Hope this info may be of help to others in a similar situation xx