In the post link below I asked what dose members on Besremi were taking and whether they had CHR.
Here as promised is a simple point plot of the results.
The box on the right is the plot from the real Proud-PV study for Ropeg (Besremi).
My pharmacy, Biologics, told me recently that their patients are all dosing 100-150 and they have more than 100 patients on it. None were over 150mcg. See box plot. I'm not sure about that, but at least suggests a low dose trend. Any members using this pharmacy welcome to comment.
In this plot is the current status right now of responding members. Some non-CHRs may achieve CHR with more time.
This is not a scientific nor controlled result at all, but still interesting slice in time. n= 14, Some real studies have a similar number so a small sample is not unheard of.
Reported doses are adjusted, if required, to reflect the one dose per 2 weeks schedule of the box plot from the study.
If there are more replies, I can try to update this plot.
I hope to repeat this next year when most of the current Bes patients here should be on the 1/month schedule.
I have not done this for our PEG members, one reason is the doses we see there are not so different from that used in various studies. In contrast, Bes has some large inconsistencies. But I can make a plot for PEG if we get some data there.
Notable observations:
-We trend well below the main range in the Ropeg study, while some are right in it.
-My pharmacy's report is not far from our own experience, but the higher doses among us should be from other pharmacies if what they said is true.
-CHRs are weighted to lower doses than non-CHR.
-One member has CHR at 33mcg, with an AB (allele burden) of 6%. This is only an observation.
-One member, red circle, is reverting to PEG with tolerance trouble at the high Bes dose needed.