I'm working on a discussion of CHR vs molecular response (MR or allele burden, AB) on INF. In a recent post I discussed CHR correlates to MR.
Here are results for the best of the reductions in the 5 year Bes trial.
The data here show that the best responses among the good ones also had the best rate of CHR, matching the pattern for the other reports above.
From Table 5 of the supplement to the 5 year Ropeg report I turned the text into this plot. (I had to think about Log plots, a college flashback)
The red lines are the ranges of AB after 5 years on Bes. Higher is better CHR, left is better MR.
The top left is no Jak2 detected (<0.014%). These started with 14-56%AB. 80% of these had CHR.
The lower right is still good response, 1-10% AB but not as good as the other sets here. It had the lowest CHR rate at 59% with starting AB of 10-84%.
So the pattern from before persists, having CHR on INF favors lower AB on INF. Also lower starting AB was favorable.
Plot using Table 5 from: