Dear all,
I’m 57, ET. Was harmed by the Pfizer vaccine (veins and Vagus Nerve) and after a year, do not count as vaccinated. I was treated for these problem with bioresonance and the Quint system which finally gave me my brain and energy back.
Covid hit my family:
My husband 60 is vaccinated 3x. My daughter 18 had only 2 vaccines, but refused the booster after so many people we know had vein problems, pericarditis, brain problems and my husbands best friend, cardiologist, had a stroke. My neighbor 42, 3 young kids was in the hospital for a month with acute vein problems, especially in the brain. She‘s otherwise extremely fit.
My susceptibility history: other than my ET, 90x bronchitis, 3x pneumonia, 1x Swine flu.
We all got Covid about a month ago. My husband was first and took paxlovid immediately. Covid was gone on day 5, he returned to work for 4 days and Covid came back to haunt him and worse than before, for another 9 days. This happened to some of his colleagues as well. The second time around, he infected me and our daughter. We were all weak, had runny noses, heavy coughing. I had high fever, diarrhea and vomited once, ended up hospitalized for 2 days due to sodium deficiency. Was in hospital for 2 nights.
At first utter exhaustion. I Was even too weak to breath, but could push myself to breath enough. My bronchial tubes felt raw. Weird taste in my mouth although I never really lost sense of taste. I was brought to hospital on day 3, a bit scared. My sodium was at 127 (Norm is 135-145). I was immediately put on fluids, released after 2days sodium at 132. I started highly salting my food and 10 days later, I was up to 135.
Researching this morning I found this study from a year ago below: please read!
Sodium deficiency increases chances of intubation greatly and too much sodium is a marker of high probability of Covid death. This is so important and no one talks about it. It’s so easy to fix!!
Back to Covid:
Both my daughter and I needed 10 days to be able to take a short walk around the block again. That took me 2,5 months after the swine flu!!
My treatment:
I refused the paxlovid. I took traditional Chinese medicine, natural Vit C (1,5g every 2.5 hours on the first 2 days and then tapered off slowly) 100mg Zink Daily for 5 days, quercitine, NAC 3x1 600mg 2,5 weeks (ignites our glutathione production, our body‘s own strongest antioxidant), Lysine (helps protects the virus from multiplying), Vit. D 20,000IUs (5 days then reduce to 2-3/week, which I usually take to keep my Vit D at an optimal 80), also taurine 1000mg daily for 2,5 weeks (helps break down the virus’ protective shield, so our immune system can get to it, thyme drops as expectorant, My energy secret, Acetyl L- carnitine. 100mg am/1000mg afternoon). I inhaled with about 3% salt water 3x a day. I also took 10g of melatonin at night which helps also clear the lungs.
On day 13, We finally started our vacation with a two week delay. I took a 6km walk around a lake and On day 14, I took a 3,5 hr hike down a gorge and up a mountain, down the other side in Slovenia. I‘m generally not in good shape in the last 2 years.
Today is day 21 and I still have a bit of coughing in the morning and need 2-3x more salt that before. Last night I was out dancing .
Past info to swine flu:
The swine flu recovery took me almost 3 months! THAT was a BEAST! Covid has definitely lost its punch.
I do believe, the vaccines were important in getting out of the pandemic, but I am angry.
To the shame of all the companies that produce them, they are hardly working against the new mutations. Almost no one, even those over 80 (about 3%) are now getting their boosters, here in Austria. Pfizer and co. all promised to adjust them to the new mutations within 6 months, early last fall and they never did that. It’s now been 9 months and no sign of change for the coming waves of Covid. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this? Instead, they are pushing medications, which are not working for 1/2 the patients. It is frustrating.
I’d appreciate comments about your experiences with Covid, Sodium, Covid vaccines.
Have a beautiful weekend everyone.