It never rains but it bleep bleep pours! - MPN Voice

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It never rains but it bleep bleep pours!

beetle profile image
30 Replies

A follow up from my last post. It appears that the fungal/mould spores from our leaky kitchen/bathroom floors have done their worst and I’m now in hospital with a chest infection on IV antibiotics!

And just to kick me when I’m down they have just told me that it seems that it is “more likely than not” that I have actually contracted hepatitis B from the blood I got last November. I am scheduled for more blood tests, a liver scan on Monday and immediately start on antiviral medication while waiting to see the liver specialist! Apparently I have a much better statistical chance of winning the lottery than this happening to me!

When I get out of hospital my partner and I are apparently going to a hotel/safe catering accommodation until our bungalow is repaired. At the moment we don’t know where we will be for the immediate future and then I start thinking about medication deliveries etc etc

I’m starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed right now and am almost glad I’m in hospital where people are ready and willing to support me. The big stumbling block is how busy they are all of course

My wonderful son has just said “mum you are allowed a bit of a pity party” I just don’t want to indulge in that too much so that the dip into the hole is not too steep to climb out of!

Sorry guys. I’m begging more support than I’m giving at the moment but ‘normal service will be resumed as soon as possible😊😊

Best wishes, Jan

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beetle profile image
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30 Replies
JediReject profile image

Jan, , after your last post I was sincerely hoping the worst was behind you and things would pick up following the renovation. Hmm seems I got that wrong. I get that you may have contracted your chest infection from the fungal spores which is bad enough but your revelation about the potential source of your Hepatitis is astounding. I thought all blood was screened for such. I hope you make a speedy recovery from the chest infection and that your tests reveal no lasting damage. And when you do get to that alternative accommodation make the most of your stay if at all possible.

Wishing you all the very best my friend - Chris x

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to JediReject

Thanks Chris. When they first told me about the donor having hepatitis I was not bothered as I thought blood is thoroughly screened so they are just being rightly ultra cautious. When he said today that it was very probable that it is hepatitis I said “for the donor or me”. The “no, for you” was almost unbelievable. I was gobsmacked! You know me - always looking for a silver lining so I am expecting kid glove VIP treatment now so I don’t tread the path of litigation! 😂😂

I’ll let you know how I get on

Stay well my friend x

Mostew profile image

Oh Jan It’s to much for anyone . I was thinking before I read you say it’s almost easier to be in hospital ,the same .

your son is right . But isn’t it easier to be the one to console and offer advice.. !!!

I often make myself post with things I’m concerned about as I prefer to pretend there is nothing wrong….

Hopefully your bungalow will be sorted and you get reasonable temporary place.

No sorry needed here . We all support each other don’t we x

hunter5582 profile image

Sorry to hear abut things piling up. That is a lot for anyone to have on their plate at any one time. It reminds me of one of my favorite prayer commentaries. "God, I know you would never test me more than I can bear but I sure wish you did not have so much confidence in me." Wishing you a speedy recovery from the chest infection and success in treating the Hep B. Sending virtual hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to hunter5582

Love the prayer! I’m certainly identifying with that right now! 😂

mhos61 profile image

Jan what a tough time you’re enduring, understandable you’re feeling overwhelmed!

Easy for me to say, but try and relax in the knowledge that you’re in the right place now at least for the monitoring and care of your present condition. Hope someone is caring for hubby, so you don’t have this additional worry.

I’m also taken aback by the position you find yourself in with regards to a potential hepatitis infection via a blood transfusion. Do you think there is any possibility that your prior hospital admissions this year are connected?

Don’t worry about the meds delivery to your temporary address. I’m sure your family and healthcare team will work together to make this happen.

Best wishes, and hope you’re feeling better soon.

Mary xx

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to mhos61

Thank you Mary. Yes the hepatitis could well be responsible for recent fevers but it could be hard to confirm one way or the otherI’m sure the meds delivery is really the least of my worries at the moment - the easiest to resolve anyway. Sometimes when you are feeling overwhelmed the silliest problems seem enormous!

Otterfield profile image

You are entitled to feel very sorry for yourself! At least in hospital you can be passive and let other people look after you. I hope and pray that you recover quickly and that time spent in your temporary accommodation feels like a soothing break. All the upheaval must be stressful for your husband too.Please keep us updated and have a pity party for as long as you need to.

Jennie x

Barbiebreath profile image

Sending good, healthy vibes your way! ☀️

Nickthedevil profile image

No wonder you are feeling overwhelmed! You have been through so much. The news about the Hep b is shocking. Sending you good wishes for a good recovery. Karen x

S031251 profile image

You have my support Beetle - what rotten luck .Anna x

amhann profile image

Oh Jan - a horrendous situation to be in - I can only send all wishes for a quick recovery and the hope that your care team to step up with every support and treatment - keep us posted. Very best Anne-Marie x

Cja1956 profile image

Oh, Jan, I feel so awful for you. You can’t seem to get a break. I understand why you are so overwhelmed. It’s too much to bear for anyone. I pray that you get out of the hospital soon and find reasonable accommodations until you can get back to your home. I hope that when you recover and things are back to “normal”, that there is only smooth sailing ahead. Sending hugs from across the pond.


Mostew profile image

Hello Jan. How are you doing today ?"

CLONDARA profile image

Hi Jan, Sending you hugs and love across the Irish Sea and have done what my granny always said in times of need "light a candle" . Love V

nightshadow profile image

Wow I hope the fates have better things in the works for you soon

beetle profile image

Thank you all once again. I did have a wobble yesterday as the reality of what I was being told started to sink in. I’m pleased to say that 24hrs plus later I am almost getting my naturally positive attitude back. I SO much appreciate the things you have all said to support me and my family are being lovely as usual. My youngest son has offered us a room at their house as they have a spare bedroom but it is 3+ hours drive from here and until I know what appointments I might have to keep I can’t accept. My sons are not my partner’s and although they love him he wouldn’t be able to relax in the way I would in someone else’s house

I’ve even had a bit of a giggle today as I read that the new antiviral drug I will be on causes gas apparently. As this is also an effect of Ruxolitinib I am wondering what their combined efforts will produce! 😲😂. Also Rux can cause weight gain and this new drug can cause weight loss so I’ve pondered which one might win. It always surprises me the odd things that pop into my head when I’m trying to deal with stress!!!!

I have a lovely view from my hospital room of trees wearing their spring finery and a field with cows in. There has actually been research to prove that when people are sick in hospital they recover quicker when they can see pretty country scenery than if their windows look out on plain buildings or brick walls. I thank the bed manager who put me here even if I am a haematology patient on a stroke ward! It was the only place they had a side ward for my neutropenic status.

So thank you all again. I value this group enormously but I’m happy to report that even a diagnosis of hepatitis on Friday 13th can’t keep my spirits down for too long😊

Keep well everyone. Very best wishes, Jan x

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to beetle

A relaxing view is great medicine. Your positive outlook is a boost for all of us.

It seems strange that hep B can slip through in the modern world. Did your Dr explain how it happened?

It's great you're getting good treatment. Hope to hear your further good news.

Did you get the Hep B vax before? If not maybe you can once you're all better?

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to EPguy

No explanation from my doctor as yet but now I’ve stopped reeling from the initial shock I’m starting to think of a few questions I need to askAt 72 now and been with my partner for 18 years the possibility of contracting Hepatitis never even crossed my mind so no I have never had vaccine. I don’t remember ever being warned about the possibility of Hepatitis from blood and I was confident in the screening process.

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to beetle

Your experience may be a guide for other members on transfusions. One should discuss the Hep B vax, and any other relevant vax, with Dr before starting transfusions. I don't know how protective it is, but must be better than not having it. As you say it is a surprise that this is even a worry.

This seems a good item to make a separate post so all can have this important new info.

katiewalsh profile image

Dear Jan, you’re remarkable. I had a pity party years ago when I asked friends to send emails of support. It meant the world. But your pity parties are more like the length of a short tea rather than the length of New Years Eve dinner & dancing. I think the cows are helping. I’m really sorry I didn’t say something about the dangers of living in the house while they are dealing with mold. I was very concerned at the risk to you but thought I shouldn’t offer an opinion. Now I wish I had. I love the idea that your hospital stay is almost like a rustic spa without the body treatments. A time when hopefully you can put worries aside & just focus on you & the beautiful view. Please never(!) hesitate to ask for support as many times as you need. We all are a big caring family that is here to help. Sending lots of e hugs. .Katie

PS re missing your gardening. Would you be able to have one of the waist high raised containers to garden it? They come in different lengths and it might give you satisfaction.

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to katiewalsh

I love the description of the rustic spa but as you say the treatments offered here are not quite the same thing! The idea of putting worries aside is slightly off the mark too as a nurse I had last night deliberately overrode two hospital protocols giving me a blood transfusion and told me that it would be fine as God was telling her it would be. Now I would never knock anybody’s religious beliefs but I’m not sure I’m comfortable when they are used to override safety protocols in a hospital! I think that is an issue I’m going to be asked to give more of an account of tomorrow! I think it’s time I was allowed to live a dull life for a bit!As for your comments about the dangers of mould I think I already knew but stupidly I took a couple of days to put 2&2 together. I have absolutely no complaints about our private landlady as she never baulks at any repairs that need doing and as soon as she fully realised the extent of the problem in the bungalow she has insisted her insurance company find us other accommodation ASAP. Tenants’ rights under these circumstances are not clear but that is one battle we have not had to fight thank goodness!

Take care x

lizzziep profile image

Sending you a virtual hug, and best wishes that all goes well for you X

mhos61 profile image

Had to laugh at your concern over the gas side effects of both drugs; if you have excess maybe you could do a deal with Finland.

Glad to hear there’s a lot of positivity today. I’m sure the pleasant view has contributed to this. Xx

beetle profile image
beetle in reply to mhos61

Now there’s a thought! 😂🤣

azaelea profile image

Oh dear Jan!! What a dreadful state of affairs! My thoughts are with you that all will turn out OK and at least you will have, or should have, the very best medical care. It’s hard to understand why such things happen one after the other. Best wishes, Fran xx

katiewalsh profile image

Your nurse sounds mentally ill. And I don’t say that lightly, many of my clients had mental health problems. But she’s dangerous if god is her decision maker. I’m amazed she’s allowed to work at that level. Btw, I saw a show where someone had just horrible gas & each time he’d say, “where’s that darn dog, he’s stunk up the room again.” So you could just say that. It won’t even matter if you don’t have a dog or cat, it’ll lighten the mood. Hoping the next day or two are smoother sailing for you. Katie

Thankfulone profile image

You certainly are carrying a heavy load right now! But it is true how encouraging everyone here can be! Hopefully we each take a little bit of that load and help you to recover and gain some strength again! Lord have mercy.🙏🏻

Bluetop profile image

Oh goodness, what a dreadful time you are having. I hope the right medication can deal quickly with both infections and you will be soon be out of this nightmare.

Poppy6060 profile image

Hi what a lot you have to deal with at the moment take one day at a time and you have a moan on this site has much has you like we all understand thankfully it sounds like your family are there for you also hope you feel better soon take care best wishes Poppy

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