After avoiding it for 2 years (despite significant international travel) - COVID finally caught up with me and I tested positive a week ago. Started feeling a little "flu-ish" on the Friday before last and was pretty blah entire weekend - on Sunday I really felt out of it - slept most of day - stuffy nose and a slight cough - tested negative. On Monday felt horrible, re-tested and strong positive line appeared immediately. Actually felt better on Monday. Had a pre-scheduled appointment with my MPN specialist which became a tele-consultation.
Upon hearing about my positive test he offered to get me antivirals. As I was feeling somewhat better, I said did not think necessary...but on Tuesday (day after consult) was wiped out - screaming headache all day; waves of nausea (convinced it was driven by headache making me feel dizzy and nausea at the same time) and just 100% miserable - thought about antivirals again (knowing I would need to take them by that day (day 3) at the latest) but just didn't have energy to try and get them. Funny that next day felt significantly better (thank goodness nausea was gone) and thought I had turned corner, only to have day 5 knock me back down again...that seems to have been the worst of it as steadily improved from there and actually tested negative day 7.
Glad to be past it but even happier to have had the vaccines! Also, glad that the system seemed to have wanted to work (if I had requested the antiviral the day I spoke with my MPN specialist, I would have received them)....