There has been a supposed “chest infection” doing the rounds in this place for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday both my husband and I felt unwell with chesty coughs, hot sweats, aches joint and pounding headaches. During the middle of the night I said to my hubby that we needed to do a Covid test in the morning, so we did and I was not expecting anything to be wrong so imagine what we felt when we both tested positive. I phoned my haematology team who said to stop my Hydroxy and the consultant or one of her team will call tomorrow. My husband treatment for his RA has to be stopped as well until clear of Covid for a week. I don’t know how I am going to get to sleep tonight with this rattling in my chest. I am scared after losing mum and Aunty but I am hoping 6 vaccines later, I have a better chance than them.
Covid finally caught up with me: There has been a... - MPN Voice
Covid finally caught up with me

oh no wishu both better. I got an email from nhs saying if I test positive they give me a antiviral medicine because of my ET
Wishing you both a speedy recovery. I had COVID back in january 2022. Note that most of us with MPNs recover from COVID the same as anyone else.
Thoughts and prayer for you both.
Best wishes to you both. Seems we all get it eventually .
I'm waiting patiently!!
Hope you manage to sleep OK.
Oh no it seems to be getting to us all eventually. It finally got me as well last week, I am on the mend now didn't report it to nhs as only on aspirin so not entitled to antivirals. Wishing you both well soon. Xx
Hi Penny my understanding is that you are still entitled to anti-virals as its based on the condition not the treatment for it
I’m sorry to hear that - it seems like those of us who are well vaccinated but haven’t had Covid yet are very vulnerable to this new variant, as I know lots of people who’ve finally got it after dodging it for 3 years!
I finally got Covid for the first time last week and while it was a nuisance it wasn’t serious, just like a head cold, and I’m feeling fine again now.
Have you checked whether you’re eligible for antiviral medication?
Take care and hope it goes OK, Andy
Hi I had 6 vaccines and managed to catch it leading upto Christmas I rang my Haematology nurse who told me to register the test and NHS England would contact me I never got told to stop my hydroxycarbamide
I was told to get someone to collect antiviral medication from local hospital pharmacy I had 8 tablets a day and fortunately they worked for me
I’m on 1500 mg of hydroxycarbamide daily no spleen with various other problems
Hope they sort your antivirals out asap as you need to start within 5 days of a positive test
my husband has rheumatoid arthritis and has to have Methotrexate injection once a week. This is an immune suppressant so it got me wondering about Hydroxycarbomide. I phoned the Haematology emergency number at Stratford Hospital which was given to me when I registered and was told stop taking my Hydroxy and a member of the team will phone me today to discuss what to do next. We are both getting called today at noon from Coventry to discuss our present meds so a decision can be made about what antiviral medication is best. We only tested positive yesterday so well within the time limit. Thanks
Sorry to hear that, Hope it won’t be too bad. I got it last December and recovered well. Energy low for a long time. Sending wishes and prayers.
I am relieved to say that, touch wood, it hasn’t been as bad as I dreaded. We both had a good night which was a surprise. My ribs are sore from coughing so much yesterday and my energy level is like walking through thick mud but all in all so far, so good. There are at least 4 residents of the independent living scheme where I live who have Covid right now.
Best wishes to you Jill. It must be an extra worry for you after losing your dear mum. Keep hydrated, rest up and up the vit c, d and zinc if you can xxx
Hi - I had Covid last September ,but wasn't advised to stop the Hydroxy - I was poorly for 3 days & recovered with taking Ibuprofen & paracetamol. Fully recovered after approx 3 weeks. You may be prescribed anti-virals, but see how things go..lots of luck to you both. x
hi Annula, I am getting a call today to get my prescription for the antiviral medication. As I stated earlier it was only when my husband saw on his information card regarding his rheumatoid arthritis medication where it stated that he should cease to take it if testing positive for Covid as his medication suppresses his immunity. When I saw this I called the number for the Haemotology advice line and was told to stop taking Hydroxy until I get a negative Covid test. Makes sense really, your body has enough to do to fight this virus without taking a drug which would make it easier for Covid to take control.
Sorry to hear you've caught the dreaded virus. Hopefully the vaccinations will help and wish you a speedy safe recovery.
Morning Gilly,
We're in exactly the same boat, although I tested positive on Sunday after days of thinking it was 'just' a chesty cough my husband had given me. Horrible, isn't it?!
Because I'm on Pegasys, I've been given anti-viral pills to take for the next few days (brought to the house by the Fire Brigade, can you believe?!), so hopefully they can sort you out soon.
Fingers crossed, we'll both be right as rain by next week!
Treacy 🙂
So very sorry to hear you’ve got Covid after all this time dodging it! Hoping it won’t be too bad as some friends on here who have had it say they didn’t suffer too much. Hope you get the antivirus treatment today.xx Fran
So sorry you have caught covid - I hope and your husband are on the mend soon, and that you will be given the antivirals. Anne-Marie x
jillydabrat, wishing you wellness quickly. The steam from a hot shower might help. Try deep breathing in the steam.
Sorry to hear that. I got Covid in October, 2022. I was surprised to hear they asked you to stop hydroxyurea. I didn’t call my hematologist, but I called my primary doctor and she didn’t say anything about that. I’m curious as to why they asked you to stop taking it. She prescribed the antiviral Lagevrio, which seemed to help. I was sick for 2-3 weeks.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
as stated earlier, my husband is on medication for his rheumatoid arthritis and his care card states that should he contract Covid he should cease his medication as it suppresses his immunity. Reading this I called number for my haematology team and was told to stop taking my Hydroxy. As I also stated, it makes sense when your body is fighting this virus that you stop taking anything that weakens your immune system. I didn’t just stop off my own back, I have followed instructions from Haematology.
Sounds like some of you are saying HU must stop during antivirals for Covid? Is that right? What about if you are taking Besremi or other interferon? Is Paxlovid or other Covid drug allowed/encouraged? I like some here have managed to dodge Covid, but as I can't even get a GP doctor since I got on Medicare (only waiting lists for us 2nd class citizens?) in December, I want to be prepared to work through my oncologist to get antivirals if safe for me. Thank you all, and feel better soon!
How are you feeling jillydabrat ? Hoping you and hubby are recovery well 💚
hi Sarah, I finished my last dose of antiviral infusion yesterday. If it wasn’t for the cough I would be fine. On Friday my blood oxygen was only 90% and I felt I just couldn’t get enough air but by the time I had my third infusion it was back to 97%. I so wish this treatment had been available during the first phase. My arm has taken a bruising thought. As soon as I have 3 negative tests I can start my Hydroxy again xx