Hi, does anyone else get varicose veins with ET jak2+ or PV recently had a bout of flibitus just wondered if connected to MPN’s or something totally different many thanks!
Varicose veins: Hi, does anyone else get varicose... - MPN Voice
Varicose veins

Hi there I have varicose veins which are quite pronounced on my legs and broken thread veins. I mentioned this to my haematologist but she wasn’t interested at all and didn’t want to see them. My doctor gave me support stockings which I find very uncomfortable so I gave up on those. Im not sure if it’s connected to MPN so can’t answer that question , sorry I’m not more help
I have ET jak2+. Im on hydroxy .
There are references to phlebitis and ET/PV in the literature. Not sure how common it is, but it does make sense that is would be a risk. Hopefully others will weigh in with their experiences.
Hello I am 55 and have had ET since I was 27. My mother suffered with varicose veins and I got them after having my second child. I am reluctant to have medical treatment for this as my mother I did and it was not successful. Like you, I have been recommended support socks but they were too difficult to get on (20-30 mmHd). I explained this to my doctor who said try 10-15 mmHd instead so I will order some which are less dense and try those as they may help with tired legs fingers crossed.
Thank you so much!
Hi Mustang. Sorry you’re suffering. I am newly diagnosed with PV and have had VVs on my lower left leg since the birth of my third child 20 years ago when I was 32. They haven’t got worse since having PV.
I have always worn a tubular bandage to support them. It’s the first thing I grab in the morning! I couldn’t live without it. If I don’t wear it the niggling feeling is overwhelming. I did have them operated on about 5 years ago and had a couple of wonderful years without them. Certain types of trousers offer me support too (M&S jeggings for example!) but it would depend where they are. I hope you get some answers. Sarah
Meant to add the bandage is sockless and so much more comfortable than support socks.
I have ET and varicose veins, but I suspect mine are hereditary. Both my parents have them. My hematologist doesn’t seem very concerned about them for what it’s worth. I have been considering getting them worked on but haven’t gotten up to doing it. Like others have mentioned, compression socks are very helpful at maintaining status quo and preventing decline of the veins.
Many thanks dbus1417 I always thought mine were hereditary but I’am having doubts.