Does anybody else have any tiny red spots on their body? I have loads, about the size of a pin head, slightly raised, on my torso? Anybody know if it is anything to do with the ET, or HU, or aspirin, or age. They don't itch or anything, only noticed when I looked in the mirror with my glasses on! ((I try not to do that!) Thanks
Does anybody else have: Does anybody else have any... - MPN Voice
Does anybody else have

Hi lizzziep, there is a link to ET called 'petechiae' tiny pinpoint spots caused by bleeding under the skin possibly to do with platelets I think. But don't panic it's probably not that and as ever it comes with a rider that I might be well off the mark. My advice would be to get it checked out by your Unit or GP if he/she is au fait with your condition for peace of mind if nowt else.
And please never use a mirror with your spex on - I did and dropped the blasted thing in the bath. .
Cheers JR
Hi Lizzie
I have loads all over my upper legs and torso. I have PV. Not much interest shown by doctors. I have high platelets now under control.
Hi x I also got loads all over body but had them for years even before I knew I had et x doctor never seamed bothered x will mention next visit to consultant x Chrissie xx
If you are bored, you can get a sharpie and play connect-the-dots and try to make a picture. I've run the diagnostic gamut from IT to ET to PV to myelofibrosis and no doctor has ever evinced even a modicum of worry about my ersatz measle-oids.
yes have these . haem says they r not petechiae. jane
I would say they are not connected Lizzziep, i first noticed them in my teens! got a few more now im older. but i was told they mean nothing , regards Holly
I too discovered these appearing a while ago showed them to my hematologist last visit and she reduced my aspirin to every second day. They're still there but not so prominent and its only been a week. Don't know if that helps? Bruddery
Yes I have them all over .they do seem to have increased in the last few years ,I cover up as much as possible these days , my brown patches on my face are also much worse in this last year's all very embarrassing isn't it ?? Only good thing to say is. I'm STILL BREATHING!!! And twinklin ....try not to fret .
Thanks for all replies! I definitely won't look in the mirror with my glasses on again. I think the specs are faulty as the mirror showed some old woman and not the Liz Hurley lookalike that should have been there!
I'll mention the spots when I go back to the hospital at the end of the month. If there is a long wait I can always do as blulou suggests and join them up to make a picture! Or maybe count them and use the numbers for the lottery and win millions!
Anyway such a shock as this needs retail therapy so I'm off to the shops! XX
Haha Lizzziep probably the only way to go - retail therapy. . It even helps us guys sometimes , hard to believe I know. . Aren't peops on our forum a caring and sharing bunch with lots of sound advice and suggestions like joining up the spots. . Anyway watch out for the paparazzi when you leave your house. JR
Hi, I love it when we just able to make fun and laugh about it. Way to go! Yes, I had them long before I was diagnosed with ETJak2+ three and half years ago. I was told by Heam and my GP that is nothing to worry about or is related to ET.
Wishing you well
Yes, I have several. They first appeared when I was diagnosed with E.T 10 years and I have more since. My consultant looked at them but was not worried. I think they are probably due to the irregularities in our bloods but they are painless and seem to be on my body rather than on my face.
Me too, like tiny red blood blisters. I wonder where else they are in the body?
I too have loads of them on my torso! I'm ET jak 2+ platelets 753 .... I was once asked about them, but that was it!!!! They don't hurt, just makes us more special lol
Yes I have had them for years. . Diagnosed et last year but had symptoms for a few years before diagnosis. Had bad head and burning in feet. Visual aura. On aspirin and hydroxyvsrbsmie daily.
I do on my upper thighs I have no itch I have et and on hu and also persantin modified release tablets as I cant stomach aspirin
Yes, I have a lot on my arms and some on other parts of my body. Asked my hematologists if it's related to ET she said no, but when I look at how many of us is having them I begin to wonder. They are called superficial hemangioma.