3rd jab good and bad: The good news… Received my... - MPN Voice

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3rd jab good and bad

Grizly profile image
29 Replies

The good news… Received my letter for my booster jab. Arrived at the vaccination centre asked the lady at the desk which vaccine I will be having explaining I have MF (blood cancer) she stated that they are only giving the Pfizer vaccine. She said as I was immune suppressed she came behind her desk and led me straight into the hall to have my jab so I didn’t have to wait. The bad news… after my vaccination started with sore arm then felt unwell spent most of time in bed sleeping temperature and swelling in my arm pits lasted for several days. All good now thank goodness apparently if you had Astra Zeneca jabs originally then has the Pfizer booster it can leave you unwell.

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Grizly profile image
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29 Replies
Superwoman profile image

I had my third covid jab last weekend, originally had AZ so was a bit concerned when they told me I was having the Pfizer one this time and that I should be OK, like you after about eight hours my arm was extremely painful and heavy, so took Paracetamol, then the following day I had a really bad headache and the shivers one minute then very hot the next, this lasted a good 48 hours, but after that I felt fine back to my normal self thank god.Jean

jodary profile image
jodary in reply to Superwoman

Booster or 3rd primary dose ? It's seems very confusing. They are the symptoms I had after the Oxford so apprehensive about the mixing and noone is saying why they've stopped using the Oxford. .

Superwoman profile image
Superwoman in reply to jodary

They told me it was a booster and that it works better than the AZ.Not sure what to make if it.


Eadaoin profile image

First two were AZ. Third one was Pfizer. Luckily I had no side effects with either type of vaccine.

jodary profile image

I have just posted a question without seeing your post. Did you have a booster or a 3rd primary dose ? I understood that the booster was half a dose and the 3rd primary was a full dose. I am scheduled for the 3rd full dose of Pfizer next week after 2 Oxford AZ and after having side effects with the AZ am a little concerned about the mixing. I haven't seen any information about why they aren't using the Oxford anymore.

Juliet46 profile image
Juliet46 in reply to jodary

Hello, I’ve been told that the booster and the 3rd vaccine are the same amount . I’m having my third on the 30th and my booster at a later date

finlay2106 profile image
finlay2106 in reply to Juliet46

Sorry to be pedantic but it all depends on which vaccine is being used. Because of our medical situation we should be receiving a third primary vaccination at this time, not a booster. As you will have read there seems to be chaos regarding how much bits of the NHS know about this but that's another story - loads of comments about this already in HealthUnlocked.

As has been already circulated by MPN Voice and Blood Cancer UK, if the third vaccination being given is Pfizer then to some extent it doesn't matter if it's regarded as a booster or third primary vaccination as it's the same quantity. It matters if the third vaccination is Moderna because for this the booster dose is half the proper dose and so recipients should insist on either the full dose or Pfizer. I've not seen anything relating to A-Z being used as a third/booster dose.

It may of course matter in due course if the third primary vaccination is recorded as a booster as this could affect whether you receive the potential booster (this is being suggested but not guaranteed currently - based on information I've received from the hospital) in 6 months time (making 4 vaccinations).

Please check the MPN Voice website for accurate information on this.


EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to finlay2106

Pfizer is 30 mcg for over 12 years for all doses. It will be 10 mcg for under 12 when approved in US.

Moderna is 50 and 100 mcg. So Moderna is more for any dose type, even the half dose.

I tried to get Moderna for 3rd dose but mixing was not allowed in US till just this week.

Manouche profile image
Manouche in reply to EPguy

You’re absolutely right. This half dose story doesn’t make sense. It seems that the risk of myocarditis is much reduced with Pfizer. That’s why the Moderna booster should be avoided…til the evidence shows the opposite next month…

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to Manouche

Each vax has its risk factors. My family was hit hard by COVID early 2020. So I'm all for the tradeoff and wish I could have had to 100 Moderna 3rd. With Mod at 100mcg you get more protection (data only for dose 1,2) based on recent info I've seen but it makes sense there is some added risk as dose goes up. I've not seen risk comparison Pf 30 vs Mod 100 yet, only effectiveness.

A new study from US NAID showed Moderna is better than Pf for 2nd dose after one-dose JJ. It may be similar for Az, but I know of no study.

Risks in mRNA are increased mostly for young males.

The adeno vaxes (Az,JJ) have no assoc with the heart issues I've seen; but small risk of clotting in younger women.

I had minor aches in arm lymph with Pf 3rd, useful pain.

Eadaoin profile image
Eadaoin in reply to jodary

3rd Primary is full Pfizer. Booster is either full Pfizer or reduced Moderns

jodary profile image
jodary in reply to Eadaoin

Yes , I realise that. My question was why they aren't using the AZ anymore. As everyone who had 2 doses of AZ are getting Pfizer and everyone who had 2 doses Pfizer are also getting Pfizer.

Jynx93 profile image
Jynx93 in reply to jodary

I had the AZ for my first 2 doses, I had horrendous side effects. I had the Pfizer for my 3rd dose and I was absolutely fine, no side effects at all, not even a sore arm. I was told that because of the very rare risks of blood clots with AZ that is why they are using the Pfizer or a half dose of Moderna for the 3rd one. I have no idea if this is correct or not as every NHS department seems to say different things.

Good luck

jointpain profile image

Hi Grizly, my wife has MF and had the AZ vaccines previously, then had the Pfizer last Friday. She had exactly the same after effects as you did, swollen arm, very high temperature, felt completely worn out for a few days. She's ok now, we are not sure whether the temperature was due to the vaccination as she has had similar high temperatures previously without a vaccine. She has the flu jab today, so I hope it doesn't happen again.

ET500 profile image

Hi, I got my 3rd jab yesterday after having to chase down an appointment. In Scotland phone NHS Scotland if you haven’t had appointment sent yet , got one phoned through in a day . Anyway got Pfizer like I think most people. Was told that they think the mix with AZ is good . I’ve had no reaction yet (24hrs in) Did original have reactions to 1st AZ not 2nd . Was told reaction so different in everyone . Feel lucky nothing so far .. even able to sleep on both sides .( had flu jab also) 😄.

Skyehope profile image
Skyehope in reply to ET500

Hi ET500, very glad to hear you got booked for your third dose.

May I ask which telephone number you called please?

There are so many floating around and I'd like to make sure I get the right one!

Thanks so much 😀

ET500 profile image
ET500 in reply to Skyehope

Hi Skyehope, the number I used was 0800 030 8013 . I then had to go through the options , which I cant remember , but think was 1 1 2 but those could change so go with your own options . Good luck and hope things get sorted for you. Take care 😊

Skyehope profile image
Skyehope in reply to ET500

Thank you so much - greatly appreciated 😊

Skyehope profile image
Skyehope in reply to ET500

ET500, thank you so much for that number! As a result, I've had my third vaccination now. You're a star 😍 thank you.

ET500 profile image
ET500 in reply to Skyehope

That’s great news . Hope you have no effects , but if you do they will be mild ones . Keep safe 😊

DoubleF79 profile image

Hi. Good to know as I had AZ first then Pfizer as they wouldn’t give me 2nd AZ dose due to the clotting risk. Call with doc on Tuesday so will ask re 3rd jab

Cokopops profile image

Hi Grizly.I’ve got ET, on aspirin and hydroxy. First two vaccines were the Astra Z and 3rd Pfizer. No side effects at all but a little bit of sore arm. When I question if I was getting a booster or 3rd vaccine, I was told it was the same.. So much confusion over that. Glad you’re all better now. Don’t forget to get the flu jab as well. Good luck!

Skye333 profile image
Skye333 in reply to Cokopops

Hi I have MF. I just thought I would tell how I found out the GP surgeries do not know anything about the 3rd vaccine. I have been on the phone 3 times arguing my point. The third time I was armed with a post from the Blood .org page explaining what it is. They promptly made an appointment for me to still go to their booster clinic and they would have the correct vaccine for me. Needless to say I turned that down and I’m now having to travel 20 miles away to get the correct vaccine. I go on Tue 26th and hope it all goes well.

Grizly profile image
Grizly in reply to Skye333

I believe i n Wales the booster vaccination is not completed by GPs. I had a letter from NHS Wales telling me to attend the local vaccination centre

Skye333 profile image
Skye333 in reply to Grizly

Hi, as far as I know it isn’t my GP’s doing the vaccinations it is someone who comes in to do them. That’s why I was annoyed that my GP’s didn’t take the time to find out for me. When I finally got my letter to go to the one I’m am going to this week. I hope that makes sense. My brain is very foggy today🙄

Oscarsboy profile image

I had AZ first time and Pfizer last weekend. I also had pain under one armpit for a few days that I did not have with AZ. Also had some slight headaches during the week and more bone pain than previous. Hopefully will all settle down but have appoint at Guy's Monday so can raise this with them also.

Wyebird profile image

Ah that’s 3 of us on this site who have been laid up in bed after Pfizer 3rd jab

EleanorPV profile image

I believe AZ is not as protective for the delta variant.

MariaB27 profile image

I was poorly with the first two astra zenica but good with the pfizer

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