Family of anti vaccines: I have ET and I’m 6... - MPN Voice

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Family of anti vaccines

Lorrmac profile image
18 Replies

I have ET and I’m 67. After a long time shielding, hubby and I are just starting to meet up with family and friends safely. All the people we meet have had both vaccines. Lovely seeing my elderly parents after 13 months for the first time last weekend, very emotional.

Feels like life is turning to some normality. However, one very sad, difficult part of the opening up for us, is my adult sons are anti vaccines. Two of these sons have my beautiful granddaughters, that I haven’t seen for over a year. This is causing so much heartache and grief. Now all is opening up on July 19, I’m not sure how much protection I have from the vaccines. Or will I be able to see my granddaughters this year.

We MPers, really need some answers before the opening date. I to, like Jill have written to my MP to ask what is being done about our group of MPers. I will post the reply from MP when I get one.

Until then, I will continue to distance myself from my sons and unfortunately my gorgeous granddaughters.

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Lorrmac profile image
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18 Replies
IrishSarah profile image

My heart goes out to you Lorrmac, and to your gorgeous little granddaughters who no doubt are missing you too!

The scourge of sensationalist media and science denial really is impossible to counter. I’m sorry your boys have been caught up in that mindset and are missing out on precious time with their mum as a result. Sending you a massive hug 💚

Lorrmac profile image
Lorrmac in reply to IrishSarah

Hi lrishSarah,How right you are about the sensationalist media peddling their untruths. It’s important for families to respect each other’s feelings in these uncertain times, and not put each other at risk.

Thanks for the hug, just what’s needed. Such a supportive site this is. Lorrmac

JediReject profile image

Hi Lorrmac, well I wrote you a response earlier but must have forgotten to hit the reply button as it's not here. DOH ! Unless the gremlins did for it. Anyway the thrust of it was whether they are vaccinated or not were still at risk from others as we don't know what antibody level we have but was wondering if your son's agreeable could you not meet up outside somewhere both of you having already done a home lateral flow test which might put your mind at ease. We did this with my son who lives away at the weekend and it was fine.

I also said my wife and I in same position but decided last couple months to coexist with Covid risk as we can't sit back any longer whilst our Grandkids locally are growing up fast and we've already missed out on so much plus the parents need our help picking up from school etc. We try and do all this as safely as humanly possible , my wife takes a lead as I'm the more vulnerable but happy to bear the risk for the reward. And I did show a level of antibodies on a recent test but don't know if high, medium or low.

Only this week the youngests class sent home to isolate for 10 days though his test negative.

So its a dilemma for Grandparents across the land.


Lorrmac profile image
Lorrmac in reply to JediReject

Thanks Chris You are very right that we are going to have to live with Covid and find a safe way in which to do so.

Good suggestion regarding lateral flow test. However, they don’t believe Covid is a serious threat, therefore don’t believe in the tests.

We did meet up outside with them last year. It became uncomfortable as they insist on trying to impose their beliefs onto me.

The big problem now is the up and coming ‘freedom day’ because they believe life can resume as normal. As you are aware, we don’t know if that’s possible for us MPNers yet.

Anyway, I do hope you can continue to enjoy your family. We all deserve a bit of normality after the last year.

Take care


JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to Lorrmac

Well judging by what we're seeing at the footy and Wimbledon I think many thousands of folk have jumped the gun. Sorry that your sons are not recognising the bigger picture for you all as a family, it's one thing to exercise their choice but quite another to make you feel uncomfortable over it.

We all deserve some normality for sure it's been such a difficult 15 months.

Continue to Stay Safe and i do hope things work out for you both yourself and your hubby.


Threelions profile image
Threelions in reply to Lorrmac

I think the anti vaccine brigade & non believers will get a shock on so called “freedom day”Having been to Wembley to watch England in their recent games you can’t get near the stadium without showing your NHS vaccine passport on the NHS app or show a negative test from last 48 hrs. I believe this will be the “norm” after “freedom day” and those that don’t comply will find they can still do very little in relation to travel, events or social gatherings.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to JediReject

I asked my GP for an antibody test and she said she hadn't heard of any being done. Tell me more!

JediReject profile image
JediReject in reply to MaggieSylvie

Hi MaggieSylvie, , I was randomly selected for a test by London College / MORI as we're a few others on here I think. The letter said the test wasn't wholly accurate but my red line to indicate antibody presence appeared very quickly along with another much fainter line as a further indicator. However if I have any I don't know how long they stick around. I will be asking my consultant if there are plans to introduce testing as a norm at my regular clinic appts. I suspect the answer will be No in the short term but I think it might help to know where we stand.


MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply to JediReject

Thanks for your reply JediReject. It's all a very cloudy issue, isn't it? Like you, I think the easy answer will be No. I get a feeling that the general attitude is "If you're over seventy, why does it matter?" !!

Paul_1971 profile image


I'm sorry this is happening to you.

As its been proven that the vaccine reduces the risk of transmission I am sad to read your family have refused to help protect themselves and more importantly you.

I hope you can arrange a solution which will let you see your grandchildren, outdoors is great.

Take care when and if you do.


Lorrmac profile image
Lorrmac in reply to Paul_1971

Thank you so much Paul for your lovely reply. Meeting outside sounds like a solution. One of my sons live in Europe, so I will have to wait until restrictions change. Take care Lorrmac

Wyebird profile image

Hi, I’m almost 66 and I too have ET. . I hate relying on others for help, my husband works away and I have little family around. I took it upon myself not to socially isolate. I did follow the rules. I would see my grandchildren in their front garden whilst I sat on the pavement. I even took my own flask of coffee.

My birthday was celebrated on my front lawn with a cake on the front doorstep.

I’m afraid regarding both your sons they hold the cards.

I find it most infuriating when I see people on public transport and even doctors surgeries not wearing masks. My attitude is no mask no entry! Especially when people like you have been really strong about isolating for months.

I’m sure that once lack of vaccine means restrictions are put in place your sons will get vaccinated.

Until then if they live local try and have a picnic with them.

Good luck.

ciye profile image

I don't think your son's are selfish, they are following their beliefs as you probably brought them up to do this.Are you expecting the granddaughters to be jabbed too.

CraftySpider profile image

Hello Lorrmac, I really feel for you, I am 57 and have MF, I am lucky that m daughter has been vaccinated and I can therefore see my Grandson briefly once a week, outdoors. I hate not knowing whether the vaccine has given all of us with MPN’s any protection, but even healthy adults who are doubly vaccinated can get ill and pass on the virus….I am very scared about them dropping all restrictions too…Ifeel that the Government are giving everyone the impression that the pandemic is over and the vaccinations are a magic cloak that will keep them safe from Covid…I am still mostly shielding and not mixing with any friends, but after 16 months it is taking its toll.I hope you can find a way to see your Grandchildren and hopefully soon, that we can all get some answers.

Ccsintx profile image

My experience here. I have ET/PV and I am 54 years old. I am from Texas(very open state) and have read this blog for about 6 months. I am not vaccinated, have not worn a mask hardly for months now, have been around many many people. 100s for sure. I work for a Christian nonprofit. By the grace of God, I am healthy. I have even been on a plane four times. Been to weddings, and to Mexico on vacation. My point is live to the point you feel comfortable. Life is short anyway. Do things outside with family with agreement to not talk about the vaccine. Etc. Not trying to be political at all just my experience! Maybe this will give someone some hope.

mochapie profile image

So sad to hear about your dilemma however it's their business that they're against the vaccine which is again a vaccine that is not FDA-approved so can you honestly blame them and if you have both of your shots then there's really no need to be afraid if you literally believe in those vaccines that you put into your body and as far as your friends that you have been around that you choose to go around because they've had their vaccines you honestly don't know if that's a lie or the truth unless you're checking for vaccine cards so maybe not passing judgment and just getting together and enjoying your children and grandchildren would be a great idea because why else would you take a vaccine that's emergency use only if you didn't believe that it's fully works

Mazcd profile image
MazcdPartnerMPNVoice in reply to mochapie

The Pfizer, Astra Zenca and Moderna vaccines have all been approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) for use in the UK.

Amethist profile image
Amethist in reply to Mazcd

The above vaccines have been given a “specific type” of approval in the UK, one for use in an emergency.

“This was done using a regulatory process known as a ‘rolling review’. A ‘rolling review’ can be used to complete the assessment of a promising medicine or vaccine during a public health emergency in the shortest time possible. This is done as the packages of data become available from ongoing studies on a staggered basis”


It can perhaps be misleading to just say they have been approved. None of the vaccines have completed there phase 3 trials yet, some don’t finish until 2023. All are therefore still experimental and we should not forget that.

No one knows if there will be any long term consequences, hopefully there won’t be any. Only time will tell.

Everyone has the right ( at the moment) to refuse an experimental medical treatment and their choice must be accepted and respected without ridicule or coercion from government or family.

The question that really needs to be answered is why is the MHRA not taking an interest in the “YellowCard” reports of adverse reactions including deaths. There is plenty of data that they are refusing to look at and this casts a big shadow over their honesty and integrity.

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