I know there is is some concern about recent reports that blood cancer patients are at much greater risk than solid cancer patients. My understanding is that this is related to those with very low B cells. The B cells produce antibodies, hence risk that the vaccine will be less effective.
Most MPN patients have good levels of B cells. B cells are a subset of Lymphocytes so if your Lymphocytes are good, chances are your B cells are good.
I have very low levels of Lymphocytes (under 0.5), hence likely to have low B cells. Hence I have been doing the Testing For All Vaccine antibody test.
The ‘pass’ threshold is 0.8 and I scored 2.1 after 20 days and 3.4 after 42 days. A friend scored 28 post first jab and my wife 8.8, both 20 days after first jab. All of us OZ. My wife and friend both had a reaction (chills, headache), I had slightly sore arm.
Hence I was a bit disappointed but assumed all down to my low lymphocytes.
I had second jab at Day 56 (8 weeks spacing) and repeated my antibody test 5 days later. My result - 88!!!
Go figure! I’ve been wondering for a while about OZ efficacy based on 8 - 12 week spacing. Trial results have been based on a shorter spacing - 4 weeks? There has been talk that increasing the spacing increases the efficacy. It would be ironical if, when the dust settles, OZ is shown to be even better than Pfizer.
Finally it appears that you are more likely to get a reaction to your second dose of Pfizer but this is reversed for OZ. And I’m no longer convinced that a reaction is that significant although it does mean it worked!