Hi just seen on covid19 Google now that us sheilding going to last tell 31st of March hopefully will fly by which I think it will do fingers crossed Xx
Sheilding : Hi just seen on covid19 Google now... - MPN Voice

Hi Jody, , yes let's hope it does though I hate wishing my life away Im desparate for better weather and better times for everyone. On a related point I see the Govt are extending the list of those shielding by some huge amount 1.7 million bods I think, , well good luck to them as many clinically vulnerable weren't included in the first wave. , , some in spite of their best efforts.
Hope you're ok and coping with it all coz it's getting me down now if I'm honest.
Chris x
Yes it is me abit this time round but hopefully we will get back to our new normal rountines in a few weeks touch wood lol ,has I already put bit of weight on with being in house most of days not gurd but am hoping in few weeks to go on longer walks ,excrises and going back to healthy eating again has I have been snacking more than what I normally do with being in most of time put bit of weight back on but hoping all his well in few weeks time seems ages away like but I carnt not wait now to do more again 😊 ,hopefully will come quicker for us, best wishes. Jody.Xxx
I've wrote a sentence twice about my weight it must be bothering me then sorry about that xx
Yes Jody it must be weighing on your mind 😃, I'm sure you'll shift it once the weather warms up and restrictions are lifted, , you sound like you have the resolve x
Yes just received my letter today about us sheilding tell 31st of March the fun and joys feel bit better today tho cos I've mange to go out in a walk for around 3 hours so yes it does pay off and feel bit better that I've mange to get out for a long walk weather not been too bad this week may aswell make the most of it incase weather drops again week after u never know now adaysXxx