12 weeks sheilding is nearly over : I have to go... - MPN Voice

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12 weeks sheilding is nearly over

Avamia94 profile image
14 Replies

I have to go back to work on the 13th july. I'm very nervous and overwhelmed by this, as I know we cannot keep 2m apart. But work say they are doing the best they can to support staff and make the environment save.

Does anyone else feel the same?

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Avamia94 profile image
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14 Replies
linphy profile image

I am off until beginning of July, I am feeling anxious going back to work

Otterfield profile image

I'm sorry you are so worried. Is your employer sympathetic and might they make special provision for you? Your health must come first and if you are not able to social distance perhaps your consultant or GP could write a note. Best wishes to you - this pandemic is scary enough without extra pressures.

friendofpiglet profile image

You have my deepest sympathy. I am generally relaxed about my chances of infection because I am in control of when and where I come into contact with others, which you will not be at work.

You don't say what the nature if your work is but indicate that it's in a pretty close packed people environment - your employer should be duty bound to address that by whatever means they can. You need to insist that they tell you exactly what measures they have in place for your protection. We are still considered vulnerable and they have to recognise that - if you are furloughed they should continue that if they can't give satisfactory assurances.


Ebot profile image

Hi there

I can totally understand your concerns. The lifting of lockdown is making me far more anxious than lockdown itself!

It will be interesting to see what the government advice is on June 30th to people who are shielding. I wonder whether they might reduce the vulnerable ‘list’ and suggest the remainder keep shielding with maybe a tiny concession. You can go out twice a day???? Meet two people in a garden????

Essentially protecting people from COVID and restarting the economy and managing the social and health fallout from the pandemic are competing demands. I guess they will have to decide how many lives they are wiling to sacrifice to satisfy the latter.

Meanwhile, I would definitely challenge your employer to clarify how they are going to keep you, as a vulnerable person, safe. You will need guarantees about social distancing etc not simply well meaning intentions. I have a feeling that June 30th will be a continuation point and not the edge of the cliff.

Jennytheb profile image
Jennytheb in reply to Ebot

Hi Ebot, not quite sure I agree with your notion "I guess they will have to decide how many lives they are willing to sacrifice to satisfy...", not everyone will be seriously ill, even those who are vulnerable to the extent they die. Well, that is what I certainly hope!

Think we are all going to have to wait to see what happens at the end of our shielding, really looking forward to tele call with my consultant tomorrow, will be interesting if she can answer all the questions - not sure anyone can at the moment.

Take care all.

Ebot profile image
Ebot in reply to Jennytheb

You’re right. Not everyone who is vulnerable and stops shielding will necessarily catch COVID and if they do then they will not necessarily die.

But I do think there are competing demands on policy makers in attempting to determine an ‘exit strategy’. The result is shambolic (watch the 2m rule about to vanish) exacerbated by the fact that lots of people simply don’t get / aren’t willing to get / or circumstances don’t allow social distancing in practice - the scenes in Bicester outlet yesterday, the ‘quarantine raves’ at the weekend or the realities of recent BLM protests and counter protests. And people have short memories. My guess is shoulder to shoulder and skin to skin is going to feel the new old normal very quickly.

And those of us banging on about social distancing, hand washing and shielding are going to appear out of date dinosaurs. Which is also why we might be told to hang on in there - literally!

Dovme profile image
Dovme in reply to Ebot

I agree with you. Here in Berlin we are a few weeks ahead of you. The 2m rule is long gone. Masks are worn. Everything is open and has been for a few weeks now. The borders are now too and planes are filling with holiday makers off to Spain. The city uses track and trace and is quick to quarantine clusters . Some German states with very low infections now want to remove all restrictions which l find worrying. I guess they are copying countries like Japan Korea HK where numbers are low and infections managed despite dense living conditions. Hygiene,masks and tracing

Hopefully a vaccine will emerge but we have no guarantees, perhaps it’s weakening. Time will tell. But if it’s around for years we need to adapt and assess for ourselves the risk we are prepared to take as individuals.

Ebot profile image
Ebot in reply to Dovme

One of my kids is about to return to Brussels so it will be interesting to see what’s happening there. I gather young people are going about their business much as normal. I am under no illusions that she will (not) be social distancing!

Here in the UK track and trace is a bit of a farce and there’s little discipline in terms of mask wearing etc. It’s all too little, too late, confused messages and somewhat ad hoc.

The thing with lockdown is you know (more or less) where you are. With the restrictions lifting it’s anyone’s guess what’s going on!

Whichever way it goes, as you say, we’re each going to have to find a way to accommodate the new realities. At the moment I am sitting on my (safe) sidelines and watching how things develop.

Wyebird profile image

Hi, this is a worrying time for you and although I haven’t shielded I too would be nervous returning to work.

I’d be glad to have a job but terrified of the unknown.

My friend’s brother has done extensive research. His position in the work place prior to retirement makes him very experienced and knowledgeable.

His recommendation was to basically following government guidelines but at end of work come home, strip off, shower and wash your clothes.

So put aside your nice clothes wear easy to care for / old clothes.

It’s easy for me to say , I’m retired. Hope this helps.

Chaz1 profile image

Hi, have you spoken to your employer about your risk. By law they have to keep the social distancing of 2 metres between all staff as well as customers. If this cannot occur then they have to put provisions in place, ie: partition screens, face shields, masks. It's not as simple aa we can't do it but we are trying to make it as safe as we can. They do have a legal duty not just to the vulnerable but to all the staff and customers. Have you spoken to your colleagues to see how things are working? There is guidance on the HSE website as well as ACAS and the government has a guidance site for employers.

As others say you can ask to remain furloughed if you are already, or complete a different role to keep you more away from others, including working from home, a change of hours etc.. I don't think you can be furloughed now if you haven't already been, the employer had to tell employees there were being furloughed at some point last week to still qualify going forward. If you are concerned still you could talk with your GP/consultant and be signed off a bit longer but I'd start with talking with your employer & seeing how things are being managed first.

If it helps we are all a bit worried, hubby has been shielding (not from me depite me working, he just wouldn't) but I've found it terrifying at times being out & about, not at work, I'm the boss so I control that but I hate the groups in the park just not distancing from me, I won't queue to get in a shop & near the begining someone barged past me in Lidl & so I've not been in a big shop since, and actually don't know if I will for sometime to come. But, thankfully we've remained save with handwashing, wearing masks in closer spaces & just being aware of what's going on around us. Stay safe x

Avamia94 profile image

I have a skype meeting on friday. I'm a rehabilitation support working in a flats so not much room for 2m but will be nice to see what they have put in place I went out yesterday with a mask and had a panic attack felt like I could breathe.

Really annoying that mpn get no acknowledgement.

Updated guidance on shielding: gov.uk/government/publicati...

All shielding people are to receive a letter from the NHS - announced today.

Avamia94 profile image

Hopefully get it soon as. Thank you for all your help

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