Hi. My husband has post PV Myelofibrosis and is poorly at the moment due to a sore throat, nasal congestion with fevers, fatigue. He was assessed yesterday by haematology and ,although they couldn’t find any markers for infection, they prescribed co-amoxiclav. Chest x-ray was clear. However our pulse oximeter tells us his oxygen level us 90. Does anyone know whether I should be concerned? Should I be ringing up for advice? Thank you.
Oxygen levels- is 90 too low?: Hi. My husband has... - MPN Voice
Oxygen levels- is 90 too low?

Hi I have MF , and I feel absolutely wretched when my 02 sats get down any where near 90.
I'd be interested in what your team say, as I find that things measured by oneself at home can be disregarded.
No harm in contacting your team, because after all, at the end of the day , the point of having red blood cells is to carry oxygen around your blood and make it available to organs that need it.
Thank you Rachel. If they are still low tomorrow I will contact them and post what they say. If I get him to take a few deep breaths it goes up a bit. His hgb is only 10, so that doesn’t help in addition to him fighting off the cold bug. To compound matters ,he has bronchiectasis but has not had a flare up fir a couple of years.
Not sure whether to update here or at the end of thus chat. I rang for advice yesterday and they asked him to come in for a review. Sats had gone down from 96 to 93 since he was assessed on Saturday & given antibiotics. They have kept him in .Going to do another chest X-ray and monitor sats etc. Bloods hadn’t changed much but there was more of a marker for infection. We consider ourselves very lucky to be so well looked after. Thanks for to you all your thoughts and advice advice.
Hi, I can only respond based on my experience. 90 is on the low side for me. But when I have respiratory infections I often need to use oxygen. It’s very easy to do & makes me feel much better. Here in the US, I was told years ago that Medicare only covers the cost if you’re below 88. But with my lung damage any reduction in oxygen level is really noticeable. You can ask for supplemental oxygen and see if your insurance or NHS will cover it. Also, my oxygen levels drop noticeably when I’m sleeping and I suspect his may also. It’s the state of deep relaxation & slowed breathing which lowers mine. So Medicare covers mine for sleeping but I can use my oxygen concentrator anytime I feel short of breath. Good luck. Let us know how things turn out please. Katie
Hi again. I forgot to ask if they prescribe prednisone there? It helps reduce my inflammation quickly so it’s really helpful when my lungs act up. Katie
Thank you Katie. I’m sorry you suffer from low oxygen but it’s good to know there’s a solution. If he’s still low today, I’ll ring for advice and will bring it up at his next consultation.
HI with the bronchiectasis he may run with slightly lower O2 sats anyway. Tend to find smokers tend to run with lower ones. Usually prefer to have it above 92-93% so def worth contacting the dr if not picking up with the antibiotics. Would be useful to get a baseline reading when he is well so you can identify any deterioration with o2 sats when he is poorly. Good luck
Thank you Heidi. That’s very useful. This forum is so helpful -sharing thoughts and information .A great way to get support. Thank you all,