GOod morning all. I know we all struggle with fatigue and often feel despondent. I have had. UTI for about 2 years and have tried every antibiotic but none of them have helped. I am 79, live alone and am trying to find an agency to come in to help me but there are about 20 people waiting! My legs won't work properly (although I do walk up three flights of stairs to go to the loo about 20 times a day) so some eXcercise. My biggest problem is isolation. MY road is a commuter area so I see no one from one day to the next and have felt too unwell to do much. I do what I can but its so hard.Are there any of you with isolation problems and if so how do you deal with it? I have no family other than a disabled daughter and another who helps when she can. It has recently admitted she's finding things tiring with me and I suggested she takes a break which she reluctant,y agreed to. She comes in once or twice a week and I feel so guilty burdening her but there is no one else. Is there anyone else having similar problems and if so how do you deal with it? Thank you. Mary
Isolation and UTIs: GOod morning all. I know we... - MPN Voice
Isolation and UTIs

Hello Mary, I'm so sorry to hear you're still struggling with the loneliness. I wonder, have you thought about contacting Silver Line? At least you'd be able to talk to someone, albeit on the phone? Their number is 0800 4 70 80 90, might be a help to you. Very best wishes, Christine

Hi CT. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have tried Silverline but have found they just give me a list of support groups - none of which have been much help.All good wishes. Mary
I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Could I just add something about Silverline? As you found they do a "signposting" service to agencies that might help but also a befriending service where one can matched with a volunteer and then talk on the phone regularly each week. A family member has volunteered as a "friend" with Silverline for the last four years and speaks regularly to a housebound person and a wonderful friendship has developed. I appreciate this might not be what you want but I just wanted to highlight this service in case anyone else on the forum is interested.
Hi Mary, I’m so sorry you are struggling like this and I understand why you don’t want to burden your family. Do you have anyone else, like a neighbour or someone else you know who may also be having problems but if the two of you managed to help one another, then perhaps that would also relieve your guilt of burdening your daughter. It may be a silly idea and I apologise if it is.
Would Macmillan help or is there any way you can join a club which brings people together but doesn’t cost a fortune? I stay in a small town and I know there’s a Darby & Joan and another luncheon club with free transport to and from. However these are now under threat due to Council cuts. I’m sorry I’m probably not much help but I’m thinking about you, hoping for some help for you and sending you hugs. Aime xx😺
ISolation & UTIs. Thanks for your reply Aime. My problem is there is
No one in my road to share problems with and also these UTIs make me feel so unwell. The fatigue is also problematic. Am a bit of a mess right now.! Just wondered if any of you are having to cope with a similar situation. No clubs here anyway!!!! Keep well. Mary
I’m sorry to hear about your isolation and UTIs. I have been battling with UTIs and thought I had tried every available antibiotic until I was prescribed Fosfomycin. That has eventually done the trick for me after over a year.🤞 If you start to feel better physically you may start to feel better psychologically and have more energy to maybe go for short walks. I have found I meet people even by stopping to admire their dog perhaps. I hope you find a solution very soon. Very best wishes, Jan
H Beetle. Thanks for your reply. Have had 3 sachets of fosfomycin which has help a little. To see urologist on18th. Fingers crossed!!!!!!
That’s great Mary, at least that’s a positive for you. I’m lucky I’ve got hubby so I can imagine it’s not good coping with everything on your own. Please keep in touch, I know it’s not the same as the folks on the forum visiting you in your home but at least you know we are thinking about you.
Would your gp help or direct you to some organisation like age concern or something local which could help you. Sending you big E hugs Aime xx and 💐 flowers 💐.😺
HI Beetle. Just to let you know that I had an earlier appt. yesterday with a urology consultant. She told me that unfortunately these UTIs sometimes cannot be cured. HOwever she has suggested I take one sachet a week for two weeks and if I feel the infection is starting again to see my GP so it might be that I too have to take them, as you did, for a year. Horrible day yesterday. Learned my ex husband of 30years died on Wednesday - I never stopped loving him and it has really knocked me. Also my eldest daughter walk out because she said she can't bear to see me like this. Feeling very upset and so it's a duvet day today. Thanks for caring. HOpe you are feeling better now. Mary
Hi Garden987. Why don’t you contact age concern. They will help you with all sorts of advice including applying for attendance allowance. I know we’ve communicated before. please seek help x
hi sorry your having a tough time I had constant utis before diagnosed with ET. I now take one antibiotic every night alternating each month Nitrofurantoin and cefexacillian Iv not had uti in ages it works for me I hope you get some help x