I went for my annual review at the doctors the other day and I asked when the flu/pneumonia jabs were starting. I was told that nobody in the UK can get ahold of the pneumonia vaccine. Has anybody else been told this?
Pneumonia Jabs: I went for my annual review at the... - MPN Voice
Pneumonia Jabs

I wonder if it is hard to get hold of or down to the cost
Why would they not be able to get hold of simple vaccine like this .seems a bit suspicious to me .
Hi Jilly
Sorry you are having a problem getting your pneumonia jab. I too had the same problem last year . My Gp practice asked me to phone every month as they were just waiting to receive their quota but like now, there was a complete national shortage. After a 4 month wait I did get my pneumonia jab which lasts for 10 years but our practice nurse said that with my PV they recommended every 5 years.
I hope you soon get it . I live in Guisborough and thought at first it was just our area but it was actually a national supply problem .
Kindest regards
Dianne xx
I had mine last year and was offered it straight away when I had an appointment booked to see the doctor on another matter . I wasn't made aware of any shortage but maybe I was just lucky . Hope you get yours soon. Pippa
Wow. I’m in Canada (BC) and am actually booked today to get my first of the pair of shingles shots, and the first of the two types of pneumonia shots. I’m to get the corresponding two 8 weeks later. But maybe they’re a different type than in the UK?
I thought the shingles shot was a live vaccine and we (MPN people)were told not to have it.
Have I got that wrong? Sallie
I also thought the shingles was a live vaccine. Going to make an appointment with the docs for next month to have the Flu jab and as I have never been offered the pneumonia jab even though I had a nasty bout of it a few years ago and was very unwell am going to ask if I can have. The Daily mails Dr Scurr said yesterday that it is recommended for all those aged 65 and over - age is a major risk factor for the infection as the natural defences decline. The jab is also essential for those people with Diabetes, heart and lung disease, also anyone who has undergone a Spleen removal as this also plays a role in the immune system and patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
Shingles vaccine is definitely a live vaccine and, I believe, as such, should not be given to anyone with an MPN
yes I was told the same but I mentioned to my doctor that Boots the chemist had some in and they are doing it they charge 70 pounds I got mine done next day most of boots have the vaccine in
should have said had it done at doctors next day no charge
Just to mention I asked my GP about the flu jab yesterday. Apparently this year there are two jabs - one for over 65s and one for under 65s. I was told there was a delay in obtaining the Under 65s vaccine. Not sure if local or national problem.
I’ve have mine a few years ago, it will last 10years. When or if you get it you could get side affects up to 3 days, like flu, shakes, fever. I did. My husband didn’t believe me until he got his pneumonia jab last year. He has the shakes for a couple of days. I rang my GP the other day the flu jab hasn’t arrived yet.
I was newly diagnosed with pv last September and had my usual flu jab but wasn't offered anything else. I will ask this year now that I know what else is available. I wouldn't have known if it were not for this site. I've learned a lot on here.
I requested this at my GP surgery on Saturday and I'm having it on Tuesday 11th. They don't have the flu jab yet though. P
I was offered flu jab through my doctor surgery.
Had it done yesterday morning. Whiles they were doing flu jab the doctor said that I should have pneumonia vaccine same time. I was bit worried as no one ever mention pneumonia vaccine only the flu jab. My doc said yesterday there is a real shortage of this vaccine and whiles it's avaible I should have it straight away.
Felt fine all day till late afternoon, bone achy, shivering and generally unwell. Haven't slept all night and today Iam in bed with s fever. After reading all the above messages I know it's normal now to not feel well for up to 3 days.
It always amaze me that none told me out side effects ....that's why I love this side. Everyone is so look helpful.
Thank you