HI everyone. Comments please. After having a tummy bug I was bitten in bed! And the next day my joint in my right foot looked like Mount Etna. Inflamed with what looked like an ulcer and very painful. Couldn't get my shoe on. Went to surgery and was given antibiotics. - Amoxycilin is the only drug I can take without horrendous side effects - in order to treat bite was given penicillin-based antibiotics. Within two days I felt dreadful - committing, shakes,headache,felt I was losing my mind. So stopped meds. Toe still very inflamed and painful so started antibiotics again..same thing happened. THe practice nurse prescribed a cream - Fusidic acid - as he didn't know what else to give me. Side effects of breathlessness - hardly able to breathe or speak -spoke to GP who said dial 999? Went to A &. E where I was seen immediately. Had chest X-Ray, Blood test. Plus test for gasses in blood, Ecg, . all OK. Have felt really unwell for the past four weeks since toe infection. Do any of you have reactions to meds? Am wondering if it's Hydroxy? Feel light headed and unsteady. BP incidentally was 175 then 168. Just wondering what's happening and who would be a good person to see. Incidentally, no one checked my toe which is still painful. Oh Joy. Thanks to any of you who have similar problems and if so how you dealt with them. Mary
Bad reaction to antibiotics: HI everyone... - MPN Voice
Bad reaction to antibiotics

I am trying to decipher your post- you say you can’t take penicillin based meds but amoxicillin IS one.
Is it one of your toes that is swollen, or your ankle, or your whole foot? Are you running a fever? So, no one looked at your foot while you were at the Dr.—don’t be afraid to speak up when you are there. If you had, they probably would have done blood cultures (to check for infection) and also checked your uric acid (for gout). It sounds like they thought you were having a heart attack or a pulmonary embolus, which are both life threatening, so they were doing all kinds of tests for those.
As stated before, don’t be afraid to ask questions or speak up regarding your own healthcare. It’s your life!
Warm regards,
Hi Bonniej. Thanks for your reply. Probably didn't make much sense this a.m. I can only take Amoxycilin otherwise I have a bad reaction to any meds. Was at A&E and couldn't talk so it was difficult. After so many tests and asked the same questions by each nurse it was annoying. My query was - do any of you have bad reactions to meds. I did ask (eventually) why are you taking these tests and was told its routine! Hopefully some sense in that but I knew I was having a reaction to the meds. But that wasn't listened to. At least they did their job and since stopping meds. Am feeling better. All good wishes. Mary
Hi Mary! How long have you been on the Hydroxyurea? Doubtful it is that if you’ve been taking it for awhile.
There are so many antibiotics choices nowadays, there should be something else that will work for you.
The tests you described ARE routine when the Dr. is trying to rule out if you are having heart issues (congestive heart failure, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, etc.) or lung issues ( pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, etc.) based on the symptoms you were having at the time.
I’ve been a nurse for 30 years here in the States and am trying to help you figure this out, but you didn’t answer any of my questions regarding your foot or toe. Do you normally have high blood pressure? Are you diabetic? Are you having any fever?
Sending good vibes your way,
Hi again. The bite is on the joint of my big toe. Lung problems? Not sure. Was told I had Bronchtiectasis and possibly emphysemaia. Saw consultant finally who did all the previous tests and tells me my lungs and breath function are find but wants me to have ECG so don't know what's going on. Have tried virtually every antibiotic as I've had repeated infections for almost two years and take Amoxycilin which I can tolerate. Felt dreadful for about 18months after starting Hydroxy. Every drug I take has an adverse affect - even 5mg of amytryptaline had me climbing the wall. I get nausea, breathlessness, headaches, shakes and feel ghastly. Symptoms stop once I stop the meds. I have CALR Blood pressure a little high and am on meds for that. NOt diabetic, no fever. This is the first episode of not being able to breathe or talk which settled down about 12 hours after stopping the cream. Bit of a mystery. Still feel a bit delicate and foot too painful to wear shoes. Have just watched the Wedding. It was beautiful. So thank you for your concern and support. All good wishes. Mary
Hi Mary! I watched the royal wedding too. I liked the few breaks from tradition that seemed to perfectly reflect the young couple’s personalities and the changing times.
We are crazy about Princes’ William and Harry over here—they remind us so much of their mother whom we adored.
Hi Mary, I was stung by something a few years back and ended up in A&E with cellulitis . The strong antibiotics I got made may sick, upset my stomach, felt so ill. Eventually the antibiotics worked but I was weeks before i felt 100%. Glad you’re starting to feel better. I have PV but not on any meds so cannot blame them.xx😺😺 kindest regards Aime xx
Hi Aime. Thanks for your reply. My daughter was bitten a few years ago on her eyebrow and her face swelled up. Would love to know which but bit me as its been a month now and still quite raw and inflamed. Was just wondering if it did have anything to do with Hydroxy. My GP is at a loss.Hope all is well with you. Mary
Hi Mary, my PV is good thanks but having issues with osteoarthritis which has now spread to my feet and causing a load of pain. Also trapped a nerve in my elbow or/and wrist so just had feet x rayed and waiting on an appointment for nerve conduction tests so was feeling sorry for myself but away to take grandson pony trekking as a late birthday present so that will be good fun!
Kindest regards Aime xx😺😺
Hi, I have had PV since at least 2006 ..... That's when it was diagnosed.
Since having PV I have had a lot of problems with cellutitis ..... usually affecting an ankle. The infection would start to creep up my leg. So quick treatment was really important. The last time I had cellutitis was in 2014 and it was very bad. Was prescribed 2 different antibiotics and had to take them at the correct intervals and even thro the night. They worked well But I had a spell in bed as I felt so unwell.
I have a very sensitive gut and the last time I had a urinary tract infection, I was given an antibiotic called nitrofurantoin. I had not had it before and it made me very poorly with gastritis which lasted for about 4 months.
So, my advice would be, to be very careful about what antibiotics you take, especially if you are taking other meds for PV and depression. Don't be afraid to ask your GP about what they are prescribing and any side effects that might be relevant for you.
I do hope that this info about my experience is of some use. Take care!
Hi Lynn. Thanks for your reply. Have just. Been back to GP as foot was not good. The reason I was feeling so ill was because of the bite! Don' understand why it was 't checked at A & E. However, all should be well now as the cream doesn't enter the blood stream. Got there eventually. My lovely fish lady has just dropped off bread, pasties and cake! Angels keep appearing in my life and I send you one to hold you. All good wishes. Mary