Hello all, just a question about the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin an antibiotic I’ve been given for UTI after having had two previous different antibiotics in last two weeks. I should like to know if this medication is safe to take with Essential Thrombocythemia and taking Hydroxycarbamide. I understand this antibiotic can affect blood cells, particularly reducing platelets , which HU also does. The “ out of hours” Dr. who prescribed this said it was alright to take with the list of medications I take. I know that not many GP’s are fully aware of our MPN’s and what they involve. I’d appreciate your thoughts. Thanks, Fran
Antibiotics with E.T.: Hello all, just a question... - MPN Voice
Antibiotics with E.T.

hi I take this med every other month due to utis It’s no bother at all I have ET and on Hydroxycabamide so do not worry
yesU e taken this for UTI with Hydroxycarmamide and ET . Docs says it’s ok . Get well soon.
Hello, I have taken Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid) many times for UTI's. I delivered an allergy to Cipro, and Keflex, and Diflucan after being diagnosed with ET Jak2. Macrobid appears to be my last hope for UTI's but somehow they have been taken over by Yeast Infections. I was often misdiagnosed and given Macrobid, then told to stop because the lab results were negative. I use D-Mannose daily now which appears to be helping, its in capsule form. I buy it on Amazon they have Probiotics also with D- Mannose in it. Good luck UTI's can be very painful. When i felt one coming on i would drink so much water that the symptoms went away and often the UTI did as well!
Hi Fran,
had a bad experience with Nitrofurantoin….i broke out with welts on the back of my neck so it is on my no list. In my opinion I think combining it with HU was an issue at least for me. I had four UTIs this year and I just scheduled a January 31 appointment with a female urologist.
Best wishes, Eileen
Oh you have my sympathy. Four times this year. It makes you feel so awful I find. I think I should be seeing a Urologist. I’m wondering too if HU doesn’t go with Nitrofurantoin as I am on 5 days a week of HU and took my Nitrofurantoin at breakfast this morning after having my 2 days off HU and I took the HU at lunch time and have had an afternoon of nausea, and tummy ache no appetite. I also have to take BP tablets and Clopidogerel . Don’t like all these drugs you don’t know what they’re doing to your body and I’m in late 80 ‘s. I was fit before all these things! Hope you get some satisfaction in January . Best wishes Fran