I was supposed to have my second back surgery on April 6 2018 I went for pre-op on the 5th they did blood work.went in for surgery.my neurosurgeon.told me my platelets were 860.they got me seeing a hemotologist. And a cancer doctor. Does this mean I have cancer. Or is this a precaution. I still don't know what caused this and why. If some can give me feedback.on this is really appreciate it. Thanks melody
Platelets that are elevated : I was supposed to... - MPN Voice
Platelets that are elevated
Hello Melody,
raised platelets (thrombocythemia), can be caused by one of the following two things.
Primary thrombocythemia, also known as Essential thrombocythemia is a rare type of blood cancer known as a Myloproliferative Neoplasm. The members on this forum who have been diagnosed with ET have this form of Thrombocythemia, including myself.
The second type responsible for raised platelets is ‘Secondary Thrombocythemia.’ The raised platelets in this case are caused by something secondary, such as an infection for example.
The haematologist that you have been referred to will carry out tests to determine a diagnosis.
Hi Melody,
As Mary explained and you have probably read online, there are lots of different causes for elevated platelets. Trust your haematologist, they will get to the bottom of it for you.
Perhaps you have been very stressed about your surgery? Stress can even cause platelets to rise.
Take care. Try not to fret too much, I know easier said than done x
I just wanted to add to the responses already given - don’t get too hung up about the ‘C’ word. MPNs were only classed by the WHO as cancers a relatively short while back. It’s definitely not a ‘do or die’ diagnosis. Most people with MPNs live entirely normal life spans. The important thing is to have it diagnosed and monitored - and preferably by a heam team that understands and specialises in MPNs. Let us know how you get on.