I've been having 440-474 platelets for 2 years now. That I know of. I went to a hematologist last year and they said they thought it was from a tooth infection and low iron so I started an iron medication. Last time I iron was checked couple months ago it was normal. But my platelet count after getting my infected tooth out actually went up to 474. Now I'm going back to a hematologist to have more tests done. I do have fibromyalgia and I was recently diagnosed with charcot-marie-tooth disease that is a neurological disease. Could either of these cause a elevated platelet count does anyone know? I'm just freaking out about it a little bit.
Elevated platelets : I've been having 440-47... - MPN Voice
Elevated platelets

Your platelet levels are ranging from high-normal to low level thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis can either be primary (Essential Thrombocythemia) or secondary to another medical condition. Elevation in platelet levels is the body's normal response to bleeding, inflammation or injury. It sounds like you have enough going on that what you are experiencing may well be some sort of reactive thrombocytosis. The hematologist will likely check for the more common MPN mutations as well as do more extensive blood work. The doc should be able to help sort out what is going on and give you more definitive answers.
Having had my own rather adventurous medical journey in recent years, I can appreciate how this new worry may be affecting you. Please try not to worry too much. Your platelet levels are not that high and I would think your risks are not high either. The stress and worry may well be worse for you than the extra platelets! Suggest adding a "chill-pill" to whatever other pills you take and focus on finding out what is actually going on. I have had to take many of late! (It does help).
All the best.
Thank you for your response! The cancer word came up alot when I googled it. So I started freaking out!
The "C" word is scary. However most people with ET live normal lifespans. I was diagnosed with ET over 30 years ago. It progessed to PV about 7 years ago. Still alive and kicking! Have had a rich full life, albeit with a few challenges now and again.
At this point, you don't even know what the issue is. Could well be something eminently treatable or maybe nothing of any real consequence. You might want to look up the Serenity Prayer if you do not already know it. I use it every day. Sometimes twice!
I wonder how many of us with blood cancer also have fibromyalgia, as it keeps cropping up in posts. I now also have osteoarthritis but my haematologist doesn't think this has anything to do with my slightly raised platelets. Probably because I also have lowered haemaglobin which is all part of the same thing. Before I got my diagnosis, a junior doctor said the condition was due to a mutated gene but I've never been told which gene it is.
I was diagnosed with OA a few months before the MDS/MPN diagnosis and when I had to get the after hours doctor out because I couldn't walk, he asked me if I had a blood disorder. I said No, because I had no idea at that stage that I had it).
What blood cancer? I also have to take iron supplement because of low hemoglobin.
MDS/MPN - refractive anaemia with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis. I don't need iron; I'm not short of any minerals but my bone marrow isn't producing enough healthy red blood cells -they are not maturing properly. On the other hand, the platelets are proliferating. Being anaemic doesn't mean you necessarily have blood cancer; it depends on why you are anaemic. Iron won't help me, and having blood transfusions will give me a dangerous level of iron if I have too many of them.
Is that a inherited disorder? I don't know a lot about those kind of things sorry. It's all so confusing to me the hemoglobin the iron the iron saturation. The elevated platelets. I see a hematologist March 1st so until then I'll just be worried sick. I know I shouldn't it's just hard. I feel very tired all the time like I'm just drained.
About 3 years ago I was having issues with heavy periods and I thought that's why my iron was so low and hemoglobin. The gynecologist put me on birth control to try to level it out and it has helped a lot but I think at times it's still a little heavy. I just don't know if that's enough to make my platelets go up to.
No, it's not inherited and it can't be passed on. Sometimes, if you have had chemotherapy, you get a gene mutation. A gene can mutate without chemo being the trigger but they don't know how it happens. It's not anyone's fault - it just happens. Not every MDS/MPN sufferer has a gene mutation.
Don't worry about it. Pace yourself at work, etc and let people around you know that you have a problem that makes you fatigued. There's nothing worse than being pushed by other people around you.
Don't know about a cause from tooth trouble but you may have what we have here. After the slight shock and worry it is manageable and doesn't usually lessen lifespan.