Hi all, after being on HU daily for 18 mth my blood results today are 390 ,before Christmas it was 371 always gone down , there keeping on same dose and next appoinment in 4month, Im feeling a little concerned and dissapointed as to why they have crept up .... is this to be expected . thank you Holly
small rise in platelets ? : Hi all, after being on... - MPN Voice
small rise in platelets ?

Hi Holly
I think it is to be expected and sometimes it’s the lab
Mine were 1200 last month but now gone up to 1500
I don’t worry about it any more to tell the truth .
Yours are within range so that’s good and next time they might very well drop a bit .
Hope you are well otherwise
Hello Helen thank you for your reply do hope the hospital get the platelets down i guess like you say theres no point in worrying, you have the best heamatoligist eh and getting great care, i was told not to go to clinic this afternoon in view of this snow so one of there Team phoned me and i go to pick next lot pills up next wednesday from hospital pharnacy .. keep warm and well my friend Holly xx
Hi I was there yesterday I’m on 1500 mg daily my platelets was 340 six weeks ago and now 450 my Haematolygist wasn’t concerned I’m back in 8 weeks
Was put on Apixiban for recent TIA yesterday taken off aspirin and the Clopidogrel
Hi Holly. I definitely wouldn't worry about such a small change in your platelet count. They do go up and down for various reasons and it's a good idea to keep a record so you can see if there is a real trend in either direction. It is the trend that matters more than individual results although I understand it is not good to see the count going in what seems like the wrong direction even if it is just a little.
Best wishes, Jan
Hi Holly
Your platelets will fluctuate from time to time. Are you having bloods done in between your appointment? I usually have two bloods in between appointments and then bloods the day before I see my consultant whom I see every three months.
You're still within normal range so try not to worry.

Hi Holly, they go up and down all the time so don't worry, mine do the same. Best wishes, Maz
Hi its nothing to worry about. Stress or if your fighting off a virus can make them go up... its only a small rise. Theyll probably be down again next time...
Keep well....
Good day Catwoman 2015 I would agree with all the other posters. Our bodies aren't machines and there's a thousand things I try to regulate on a regular basis. So I've had to learn I have to take kind of the average look and long-term look. I think we'll drive ourselves crazy if we try to look for an explanation for every little change in our blood. Once my white cells jumped up I didn't feel sick didn't have a fever I was fine. The next visit they had drifted down a little bit and by the next one they were back in range I couldn't tell what it going on inside my body or not.
So I just look at the averages in the long term and I plot them out every visit just so I can see how they're doing and that lets me feel some degree of control.
Good luck to you
Hi thank you john, yes all makes sense what you say , im going to switch my mind off till next blood test many thanks Holly