I’m ET, triple negative, and take HU alternating 500 and 1000 mg daily. My platelets have nicely stayed below 400 with that med for three years but in the last six months have climbed to 457. Sigh. I’ll be talking with the specialist next month but I’m wondering if this is common to folks here.
Platelets on the rise: I’m ET, triple negative... - MPN Voice
Platelets on the rise
This is quite common. It is normal for platelets to vary by as much as 100k in a single day based on what is going on in your body. Platelets at 457 should not be a concern. Note that 450 is the criteria for an ET diagnosis. Also note that 600 is the cytoreduction target used by many MPN Specialists when they use a platelet numeric for ET. silvermpncenter.weill.corne...
So the bottom line is that unless you are experiencing increased symptoms, this fluctuation is likely nothing to worry about. I routinely cycled by 200 (500s-700s) for many years with no problem. My docs were never worried about it since I did not have any issues with thrombosis.
Suggest you review you concerns with a MPN Specialist. Man y hematologists are not up-to-date on the current state-of-the -art in MPN treatment. Just in case. here is a list..
All the best
Thanks for this, Hunter. I’m Canada the “normal” high for platelets is 400 for some reason. I am hoping to get a referral from my hematologist to one of the three Vancouver-based specialists as they’re the only ones, geographically, that I could see. Thanks again!
I've experienced this as well and my doctor says that it is nothing to be alarmed about. Platelets vary as hunter5582 also said. Best of luck to you!
Hello WileyFrench . Can I ask what your platelet count was when you were first put on HU?