Importance of regular dental checks: I got my... - MPN Voice

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Importance of regular dental checks

jillydabrat profile image
29 Replies

I got my appointment with the oral surgery dept 2 weeks ago and had x-rays of my teeth. This week I saw the dental nurse who started the removal of tartar. I always look after my teeth, brushing twice a day but I must admit not having regular dental check ups.

I knew that being on the hydroxycarbomide that my gums had started to receed to the point I felt I was going to lose 2 teeth. The oral surgeon told me that hydroxy can cause damage to teeth and gums but what the dental nurse told me about my xray really disturbed me. She said that all people develop tartar on their teeth but because my immune system was supressed because of the Hydroxy, that my body had not been able to fight the bacteria on the tartar and that the bacteria had been nibbling away at my jaw bone.

I was so shocked. Now I know I must religiously keep my 6 monthly appointments if I want any chance of keeping my teeth. Thought everyone should know about this.

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jillydabrat profile image
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29 Replies
Mwalimu profile image

Thank you - very useful. Sallie

Superwoman profile image

Funny thing was I had my usual six month dental appointment two weeks ago, and my dentist told me that my teeth were brilliant no problems there but that my gums are starting to recede and that she might have to start to do infills between the gum and tooth if it carries on, it seems to of happened all of a sudden and she thinks it could be to do with the Hydroxy, she gave me some sensodyne rapid relief to rub in around the tooth and gum and this has really helped, stopped my teeth becoming so sensitive to cold and funny thing anything sweet really seems to of worked, but still intend to see my dentist every six months without fail so now how you feel.

Apart from that hope you are doing OK.


Kelly2 profile image
Kelly2 in reply to Superwoman

Hi. What exactly are the infills?

bordeauxgirl profile image

Hello Jilly , It doesn't seem to matter how often you visit the dental tormentor, I go every six month regular as clockwork but my teeth are so very sensitive hot or cold warm , doesn't matter even if I don't eat or drink anything, my teeth scream at me and this is only since I have been on Hydroxy. So don't beat yourself up and lets hope the damage isn't as bad as it seems. Good Luck Jilly. Best wishes June.

Inca profile image

Oh ,me too,and definitely some crumbling,gums always sore now,Hydroxy,of course.Just lost a filling but as I fractured femur falling over puppy,must wait until I am adept with crutches,Keep Well all.Sally

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to Inca

Oh Sally, didn't know about your fall. Hope you heal quickly. What puppy do you have? I went for a bone density scan the day after dentist as I had cracked my rib for the second time. Maybe the hydroxy is affecting the bones as well. Healing thoughts for you xx

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to jillydabrat

Yes ,two weeks ago,so hot here ,was wobbly,tripped over my lovely G S D puppy.......!So pinned and screwed ,managing to walk a bit with crutches and a wheelie trolley with a bag on for my water ,specs,pills ,potions ,painkillers.I am now officially an old lady ! this teeth problem is a nuisance,worse than the ulcers,thanks Jilly and hope you are problem free just now.xxxSally

Aime profile image
Aime in reply to Inca

So sorry to hear of your fall Sally. Hope your recovery is as quick as possible. Hugs included, love from Aime xx😸😺

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to Aime

Thanks Aime,even worse than pins and screws in leg,I have to wear black medical support stockings for two months!!!!!It is 32 degrees here every day!!Killing me it is......

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to Inca

Sorry didn't finish ,hugs back ,and do not fall!!!xxxSally

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to Inca

Omg you just want to scratch your legs to death wearing surgical stockings in this heat! Lol you will be suntanned from the knees up

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to jillydabrat

Like you ,I have to have a bone density scan,I am sure tho that the Hydrea causes loss of density,they just don't bother to tell us.The chirugien was able to do an op normally for athletes as apparently my legs were in good nick and retained good muscle years of hard graft with horses paid off there!!Pity about the crap blood!35 degrees here still,9-30 pm,if it doesn't cool soon,I feel I shall melt totally.Keep well xxSally

Aime profile image
Aime in reply to Inca

Oh I hate those stockings, every sympathy. I know when we are told to wear them it is for our own good but i find they irritate my skin and are so hot and uncomfortable. Xx Aime😺😺

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to Aime

Just got hubby to pull them off,and what a struggle to get them on in the morning,I end up exhausted and tearful..hubby tries hard but his strong fingers hurt and bruise!!!!Battered wife I am!!!!My nurse who comes every other day is a big guy but he gets them on in a few seconds,and so gentle!!!!Tomorrow I have more stitches out,those metal things,absolute agony,I will have to be more careful in future....I really feel a nuisance now and ancient!!Take Care Aime....must say these stockings ,being French,have a fancy rubbery lace top,my nurse says when I am better I add a frilly skirt and do the can - can!!!!we have to try to laugh or we would crumple.xxSally

katiewalsh profile image
katiewalsh in reply to Inca

Hi. They're 'a little' easier to put on if you wear rubber gloves. Good for you to wear them. Katie

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to katiewalsh

Oh ,thanks for that...just about to go thru the torture !!!!Sally

Edgbastonian profile image
Edgbastonian in reply to Inca

Oh what horrors Keep smiling or even twitch and grimace in the knowledge that your leg will heal properly while supported properly hugs Shirl

Bridie123 profile image

Hi, really shocked by this, my gums hurt when I chew, though not red or bleeding. Must book check up!

jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to Bridie123

My back molars kill me if I try to chew with them. I can feel the pocket underneath them because my jaw has been nibbled away so when I press down on my molars they kill me

Aime profile image

Hi Guys, I have PV, not on any meds yet but my gums are starting to recede too, must be age with me! I chew sugar free gum which I think (maybe imagination) has reduced the tartar my teeth were so good at collecting. I very rarely need much scraping done.

Kind regards Aime xx😺😺

beetle profile image

My gums bled for years on Hydroxy and I thought it was something wrong with my oral hygiene or something. As soon as I switched to Ruxolitinib they immediately stopped bleeding even though my platelets tumbled. My most recent dentist has told me that Hydroxy was most definitely the culprit. I don't think I ever saw that as a listed side effect?

mol56 profile image

I have been on Hydroxycarbamide for almost 12 years now. I have ET.

I, too, have suffer from gum disease and bone loss which has led to losing 2 teeth recently and another is in danger of going as well!

I have an appointment soon for a deep clean (3 sessions) from the hygienist.

I will certainly mention to her about the effects of Hydroxycarbamide . I didn't realise that the meds could have such an effect. I know that stomach acid can cause erosion in the gums and I do suffer from that too, so a double whammy for me!

Thank you for bringing this to my notice. This is good example of sharing our experiences on this forum.


My dentist works at cleaning my teeth and tartar every 4-6 months and she is monitoring the receding gums. About 2 visits back she recommended I invest in an air-flosser (I have a slight fear of flossing string, weird I know!), but using it has made a huge difference to the amount of tartar she has to remove so I can heartily recommend it.


jillydabrat profile image
jillydabrat in reply to

I was looking at those as they are on for half price at boots. Just had my new electric brush delivered today, also half price from £90. I am going to miss my old electric brush x

katiewalsh profile image

I wonder if Maz can ask some experts about products we should use. Maybe something to rinse out our mouths after taking Hydroxy and toothpastes, sleep time mouth gels?? Katie

Edgbastonian profile image


I have ad PVR for 18 months and just come off Hydroxy as a trial as I had very bad mouth ulcers and skin disorder which is now being treated Im awaiting a full oralcheckup at Bham New Den tal Hospital During this time I have developed trouble with sinuses and have a constant sore in my nostril that keeps bleeding Dont know whether this is anything to do with PVR, just another thing to worry about and hope that sorting out the few teeth i have left will help solve my nose problem,

Inca profile image

Yes me too ,teeth crumbling,constant mouth ulcers,salt water is good for that,continual rashes,some itchy ,some sore,some just there.Always had a good trouble free skin ,not since P V and Hydrea.Last year had major surgery for carcinoma on face,just looked like a sore rash,turned out whole of cheek was affected ....first class surgeon luckily.Told to keep out of sun light ,even in winter,so I have.Been indoors whole of blistering summer here ,SW .F R. Sore rash again on chest ,saw dermatologist,and to all yesterday...yes another carcinoma.....fortunately this can be removed easily by the lady major surgery. I cannot impress on everyone enough...get any eruption looked at as soon as possible...only good luck this week .support stockings off,walking without crutches,tho not without pain.......what next I wonder,I have sinus pain too,might be from face surgery of course,,Best to you Edgebastonian, and to all in this special'club'

piggie50 profile image
piggie50 in reply to Inca

Oh Sally, so sorry to hear you have another carcinoma! What rotten luck you're having. I have a spot on the back of my hand that just won't heal. I know I should go and get it checked but I just haven't got around to it yet.

Hope that pup is keeping you cheerful. I'm just off to puppy training classes.

Best wishes

Judy xx

Inca profile image
Inca in reply to piggie50

Hi Judy,Hope your training classes are going well.......ours is having his lessons too,much easier as he does what his uncle does ,who is super obedient.Not cute any more tho.....huge feet and ears ,now straight up and about 30 kilo,going to be a big boy. Can't believe the carcinoma ,I have never been a sun worshipper,always outside tho over a life time of breeding friend here is similar to me ,blonde and fair skin,Norwegian born,she has just had two melanoma removed,shoulder and arm....the same derma lady who will remove mine.It was not painful and took just a few minutes.stitches of course and tests ,will be checked frequently,so don't hesitate Judy,only if it involves the face a surgeon and anaesthetic is necessary.Good Luck with pup,they are great fun aren't they,,,,,,,well mostly!!!Sally xxx

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