Hi there folks. My first post. All a bit scary isn’t it once you join but so nice to know so many of you out there in similar position and we can all support each other. ET and on baby aspirin. Platelets about 680. I need to have a crown fitted on a tooth and my dentist said I should stop 2 days before treatment. That means 3 days including the day of treatment so am thinking of only stopping the day before. Anyone else had dental experiences who have ET and is there likely to be much bleeding?
Dental crown: Hi there folks. My first post. All a... - MPN Voice
Dental crown

Have you asked your heomotologist?
I think GPS and dentists get twitchy about our meds. Best to put them in touch with your haematologist’s secretary for reassurance.
I had an extraction and stopped aspirin 7 days before and started again once the bleeding had stopped. I have also had crowns and root canals and not stopped aspirin for these. Though we are all different so worth checking with your haematologist or clinical nurse, I am ET CALR+ platelets between 700-900.
Hi Hopetohelp. I've had a lot of dental work when I was on aspirin and also on a clopdogrel( another blood thinning drug) The Dentist knew all the meds I was on and when I asked he told me their wouldn't be a problem but if I was more comfortable I could stop the blood thinning drugs a day or 2 beforehand. If you are ever unsure about anything at all always consult your Clinical nurse specialist before any proceedure. Atb,tina.🤗
Stop a few days before. If you didn’t know a high platelet count can either cause you to bleed too much, or not at all. I stopped my aspirin 5 days before a oral operation. Everything went well.
I've had a couple of crowns done, the dentist knows about my meds, but told me it wasn't necessary to stop any, I didn't have any problems.
My dentist liaises with my haematologist . Always get the best possible advice available even if it means deferring your dental appointment - because you’re worth it !!!
Thank you. Will defer till I get it sorted
A dental crown should not produce bleeding. There maybe some bleeding if the crown has to go under your gums but there are local products that can be placed on the gum to stop the bleeding such as hemodent or expasyl. I am a dentist and wouldnt have a patient come off their meds for a crown . Good luck!
I've had a tooth extraction, plus a parathyroidectomy and was never advised to stop taking medication. I continued with medication, which included Aspirin, and everything was fine.
A Parathyroidectomy involves having your throat cut... gruesome! So there is no possibility that having a dental crown should produce bleeding (I also used to work as a Dental Nurse) so know that a simple procedure like this doesn't warrant stopping medication.
I'm also PV Jak2+ and was during the extraction and parathyroidectomy.
Hi, any update on how it went with your tooth work?
I've recently been diagnosed and have regular hygienist appointments and my gums bleed easily....your post has made me wonder if it might be related to my ET. Currently on aspirin and going to start inferon today.
Hope it went ok?
Hi Minu68. I thought deeply about having the crown fitted and what was involved and considered that the gums shouldn’t be affected so I decided to continue to take aspirin until the morning of having the crown fitted and because there was no bleeding I took an aspirin when I returned home .So pretty normal for the day. However when I am seeing the hygienist I have a lot of bleeding as she digs and pokes around a lot so I don’t take an aspirin on the day of having them cleaned but later in the afternoon I take a fish oil pill as meant to thin the blood. I am not saying anyone else should follow what I do but I just feel mentally happier doing it that way. If I was having a tooth extraction it would be different of course. Not sure whether bleeding gums has anything to do with ET but have read that some people do find gums bleed and mine occasionally bleed when brushing so hence I go to the hygienist regularly. Hopefully prevention is better than cure. Please let me know how you get on and good luck
I'm happy to hear it went ok. I've had gum/tooth issues for a few years, and the consultant thinks I have had ET at least 5 years! So it is very likely to be due to the ET. Interesting way of managing your aspirin. My consultant has told me to just keep taking it. I'll keep in touch, we all will work out the best way to manage ,but knowing how others manage is so helpful to know
Yes my blood tests show I had ET from 2015 but nobody picked up on it. Would never have known I had it except for a routine blood test last year. Regards the dentist I did not feel happy in myself stopping the aspirin two days before as I am not sure how much dentists fully understand ET. I reckoned I would rather take the risk of a bleeding gum than of having a heart attack or stroke in the dentist chair ha ha. Would be nice to keep each other posted as to how we get on. My hygienist requested a one hour appointment which is coming up soon as the gums have lots of pockets now apparently.
Hi Hopetohelp,
I got a tooth pulled in October and I forgot to stop my 50mg aspirin 3 days before. Thank God that was at 10am. By 11pm, the bleeding had almost stopped, (they told me 10min. ) and there was a huge, thick, rubbery blob of blood in my mouth by 6pm. Was a strange experience. A crown doesn’t usually cause a lot of bleeding, if at all. I’ve had 5 (before ET). I’ve just finished getting all amalgams from 11 teeth out and the inlay and crown work is starting this week. Since I only take 50mg and 60mg Ginkgo (3x daily), I’ll just not take the aspirin and 60 ginkgo the morning of. If all is ok, I can still take the aspirin later in the day. I’m about 680 with my Anagrelid.
Aspirin stays in your body about 7 days. Even if you stop 2 days before, you should have enough protection.
I have had crowns and implants. My dentists always ask I stop aspirin 24 hours before. I have not had much bleeding.