Firstly, thank you to everyone for this forum, I have been quietly reading it for the last few days and have found it very helpful.
For me the road that lead eventually to an ET diagnosis started with a visit to my GP
towards the end of 2016, because I was suffering an odd collection of symptoms that were beginning to worry me and were having a significant impact on my daily life and work. For the record, here are the main ones:
1) I was having increasingly frequent visual migraines, always affecting my left eye. These would commence with small, bright flickering triangles of light and a tiny blind spot. The flickering triangles would form a half circular shape that got larger and larger until most of my left eye's vision would be affected. Then they would rapidly fade away after about 30 minutes. I had 3 episodes of this the week I saw my GP.
2) I had frequent attacks of vertigo that would come on when I was walking, particularly down hill on a pavement beside a road. I had to concentrate very hard indeed not to loose my balance.
3) I had serious fatigue.
4) I was having bad leg pains, particularly when sitting down, and suspected that I might have a blood clot.
5) I had just started having headaches that were different from any that I had previously. These were centralised and felt like brain was being squeezed. They were accompanied by light sensitivity and some nausea.
My GP found that my blood pressure was fairly high. She ordered a full blood count, and wisely said that we should wait for the results before speculating about the cause. She thought that my leg pains were most likely due to an old lower back injury that I had.
Because I was still a little worried about circulation and a possible blood clot I self medicated for about 2 weeks with daily low dose aspirin. My legs improved, my visual migraines went away, I stopped having giddy spells, but I did not really give credit the aspirin for doing this... so I eventually stopped taking them!
The results came back with a note from the lab to test JAK2 and MPL and that my platelets were above 600. These tests were done, but results took a long time to come through, because the labs don't do them often here, and I think Christmas got in the way. Both JAK2 and MPL results were negative.
I had another blood count done in the New Year, and this showed the platelets over 700. I was sent to a haematologist, who showed me my blood results going back for the last 2 years or so, and these indicated a progressive climb from 375 to the current level. She took some medical history and details of risk factors and so on, and arranged a Bone Marrow Biopsy.
A few weeks after the Biopsy I saw the Haematologist again, who confirmed that I have ET. She assured me that many people are without symptoms of ET until their platelet count is over 1000, and that she would start me on daily low dose aspirin.
Interestingly, the visual migraines had returned by the time I saw her, and occasional pressure headaches, but these went away again when I went back on daily aspirin.
In just under 2 years time, when I reach 60, or if my platelets hit 1500, she will put me on Hydroxyurea. I am having monthly blood tests to see what the platelets are up to. We recently climbed through the 800 mark.
So far, the medical people that have dealt with me have all been very thoughtful and kind, and have done their best to reassure me, and I feel very fortunate to have a GP and Haematologist that I like very much.
I went through rather a lonely patch at the start of all this, as I did not feel able to tell friends or family, especially as the diagnosis took many weeks to come through so nothing really "concrete" was known. I have now confided in my wife and a few very close friends, but have not yet let family know.
You might be able to help me with this....
The assurance that many people are without symptoms of ET until their platelet count is above 1000 or more worries me, as my symptoms were sufficiently troubling to take me to the GP when my platelet count was only 600 or so. Is it fairly common for symptoms of ET to start this early? Or should I be looking to see if there is some other cause for them?
Fatigue is a real nuisance. I often feel too tired to drive anywhere, but am self employed and work from home so it is fairly easy to conceal how bad things really are. I found that a lot of the "brain fog" that I had, did recede when I started taking daily aspirin, but I am still very tired most of the time. Is this level of fatigue common for people with ET, who have platelets well below the 1000 mark, and who are only on aspirin? I notice that many of you who are on platelet reducing drugs are very severely affected by fatigue.
Sorry about the lengthy post! Thank you for reading.