Is it safe for patients with unclassified MPN to get immininizations, specifically flu shot, shingles shot and pneumonia shot?
Imminizations and MPN: Is it safe for patients... - MPN Voice
Imminizations and MPN

i asked my haem and he says "no live vaccines" so flu ok but not shingles
Hi, I agree with Jane13, flu jab is fine, I have it every year, but definitely not shingles as its live. I had pneumonia jab but checked with my consultant first, you only have it once, not annually. I wouldn't get any jabs other than flu without the consultant's confirmation it's ok. Best wishes, Frances.
With Jak2 pos PV I have had the flu jab for the last three years with no adverse effects. I Also had the pneumonia jab last year without problems. I am currently involved with Guys in a study of the effects of the flu jab on those with MPNs so watch this space when the results become available.......
Hello. I was advised not to have the shingles vaccine while on ruxolitinib. And I had strong reaction after the pneumonia vaccine. No trouble with the flu jab with hydroxy or rux.

Hi Sklines, you are ok to have the flu vaccination, but not shingles as this is a live vaccination and not recommended. It is always best to discuss with the nurse/doctor giving any vaccinations, they can then check that it is safe for you to have it, never have any vaccination without telling the nurse/doctor that you have a MPN and that you are taking medication for it. Maz
Hi Maz, I thought Shingrix was not a live vaccine or is Shingrix only available in the U.S.? Katie
Dr Samah Alimam (part of Claire's team at Guy's) is running a test series to see the effects of Flu jab on MPN patients - I have volunteered to take part so it must be safe to have this! I am MPN/ET and aged 78. Regards ElsieR
I was told that because I had an MPN it was very important to get the flu shot and pneumonia shot, but NO live no - flu mist. I will warn you that the pneumonia shot hurts the second day. I usually do not react to shots and my reaction was notable.
I prefer to leave my immune system to figure out on its own what the armies it builds should fight. From the research I've studied, as well as simple reasoning, it seems that if I tell it what to arm itself against, it will be that much weaker against everything else. It's kind of like messing with evolution in my view. Since there is still more than one religion, but there's only one species of human, I have to assume evolution is far better at figuring stuff out than we are. The Flu is annoying, but I need my immune system for other things, and if the flu turns out to be an important one, my immune system will be prepared because I prepare it (vitamin C, Ginseng, exercise, avoid GMOs, eat fermented foods to get the good bacteria, etc.)
I have ET & MF. On Ruxolitinib 20mg & had flue & pneumonia without a problem . Not had shingles one .
Been told flu fine and am part of guys trial where they give you flu vaccine and test bloods to determine how it affects us but been told live vaccines no but check with consultant and gp I am also unclassified have white cell affected so affects immune system and also have myelofobrosis was told important to have flu and pheumonia as lowered immune system also if you have a specialist nurse talk to her also if you have a local maggies they are a cancer support centre country wide and if a support group locally join that too to help you get up to date information there is a support group at guys london and one at Maggies in Nottingham I hope this helps
I am recommended to have the Hep B jab for work. Years ago, before i was diagnosed with E.T Jak+, i had 2 of the 3 vaccinations and was found to have not made any antibodies. I am now being asked to go for the vaccinations again and wondered if it is safe with my M.P.N. My work is not particularly high risk but it is just recommended as a precaution. Any advice please?