MPN and environmental factors: Environmental... - MPN Voice

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MPN and environmental factors

samiris profile image
26 Replies

Environmental factors (like, high-energy radiations, chemicals, etc.) have been found as causes of some disorders in our bodies (as mutagenic, toxicogenetic, etc.) and related diseases. These environmental factors are mostly around us out of our control.

Question is about potential effects of cosmetic products (hair-coloring stuff, lipsticks, nail polishes, related chemicals as solvents) on appearance of diseases like Polycythemia vera PV in human? These products contain potentially harmful components such as heavy metals and phthalate plasticizers. The majority of members and posts in this forum are from women who are likely more exposed to cosmetic products than others. Can this be a concern? Should women with JAK2+ and PV be advised to avoid using less/no cosmetic products and other potentially harmful chemical products?

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samiris profile image
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26 Replies
Anag profile image

Dear Samaris,

So glad you are thinking about this. I have banned any chemical, metals, unnecessary wifi time, food additives, GMOs, air fresheners, cosmetics, hair color (I have a full head of hair again), chemical meds (except my Anagrelide and 50mg Aspirin). I take only 100% natural supplements! I started on this path 2,5 years ago. I finally got rid of all amalgams on Jan9th. It was a year of hell. Yes. My ET has stopped getting worse and seems to have gone a bit down since Feb. i was up to 6 Anagrelide 2,5 years ago. I now take 3. If this continues for a whole year, I will know that these steps are working to help my body cure itself.

I wash my clothes with chestnuts I gather off the streets in October and Add oxygen powder (for whites).

Body cream and make up remover is coconut oil

Eye cream is a bit of olive oil. Sun cream is coconut oil (natural 25 factor) olive oil is 20 factor.

I use organic makeup.

I make my own soaps, shampoos, wet toilet paper.

I buy as much organic food as possible. Nothing in plastic! I switched everything in my home to glass. Everything tastes better and keeps twice as long. It’s just heavy.


No more depression, eczema, bloating, stomach problems, swollen eyes, incontinence, dizziness, sleeplessness, no PMS, brain fog, bad breath, plaque on my teeth or Nervousness.

Our lives are absolutely flooded with chemicals!! Our food industry is actually a chemical industry and we are the filters. I decided to swim against the stream, now my whole family and almost all my friends have joined me/us. It’s so worth it!!

This cannot be done overnight. It took me a year to switch my lifestyle. Did a lot of reading and listening to specialists on the web. By the way. I changed to the autoimmune paleo diet, modified for me and 20kg just melted off in 2 years. I never thought I’d lose weight ever in my life. I also detox regularly with salt baths and other ways: ie Chlorella, melatonin (for brain cleansing at night), etc. But it is important to keep a track of what the body is doing with a good functional doctor. Also keeping track of blood. It’s also necessary to test for food intolerances.

Go for it! 🙂 Anag

samiris profile image
samiris in reply toAnag

Dear Anag:

Yes:"Our lives are absolutely flooded with chemicals!!"I add: potentially harmful chemicals.

I wish I could share your answer with millions people out there. While some points might look

exaggerated to ordinary people, but that is the correct way to avoid strange health disorders/disease. And it's possible. I use coconut too in various occasions (as you stated), olive oil, sodium bicarbonate, table salt (sodium chloride) and similar simple and safe things.

These are all chemicals but we know how risky/safe they are. But, application of commercial

products containing so many unknown/secret ingredients (heavy metals, phthalate plasticizers, other likely carcinogen chemicals) is definitely with higher health risk. Higher percentage of women among PV/ET patients is an eye-opening

matter that encourage us to look at their lifestyle and the products they use in daily life (such as cosmetic products).

Best regards,


Anag profile image
Anag in reply tosamiris

So true! Before a normal woman leaves her home for the office in the morning, she has had contact with hundreds Of chemicals. Just add them up:

Shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, Body creme, Hand Creme, Face creme, eye Creme, foundation, blusher, mascara, eye makeup, Eye liner, Lip liner, lipstick, nail polish, perfume (The last three, extra poisonous) Etc.

This just may be one of the reasons why so many women are passing on their chemical burden onto their babies and woman’s dementia is exploding! It’s as easy to understand as 2+2=4

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply toAnag

Not heard of chestnuts to wash clothes . I’ll give it a go

Any thoughts on hand sanitiser and future effects , unforeseen by the powers that be ?

Anag profile image
Anag in reply toMostew

I sanitize rarely these days. Just when I go to the supermarket. The biggest problem is droplets in the air.

As a sanitizer, I use pure AloeVera, add 1/3 95% alcohol, 10 drops tea tree oil and some coconut oil to keep skin healthy in a small squirt bottle. Always keep it in my purse.

My doctor friends who are in the center of the disease in the general hospital of Vienna say that there are now more infections but less people needing hospital care and less who are not surviving it. They believe the virus is weakening, but that hasn't been Proven yet. I stay clear of people, except trusted friends, unless they are tested and we are outdoors. We’ve kept our country pretty safe from the beginning of the outbreak. Lots of discipline and good direction from the government.

The problem right now are the 15-25 year olds who are spreading the virus, which they have acquired at late night parties! We have strict rules for our 16yr old daughter.

Stay well. 🙂 Anag

samiris profile image
samiris in reply toMostew

Re sanitizer, the most health risk is use of alcohol containing methanol, which is toxic compared with ethanol (safe) and isopropanol (robbing alcohol, relatively safe in comparison with methanol). You can buy ethanol and/or isopropanol plus glycerol from drug store, mix at 30%-40% glycerol and 70%-60% alcohol by volume (no need to balance). This is basic formulation. You can add drops of other harmless stuff like AloeVera, tea tree oil, and coconut oil, as Anag writes. The disinfecting component is only alcohol, other additives make it thick (higher viscosity) and enhance general quality and compatibility with skin. Label the bottle properly and clearly and keep out of reach of children, as many other things.

Alcohol (all of them) are flammable and volatile, so, products containing alcohol must be kept far from flame and heat and not store inside car in hot summer.

(read Anag's Reply for more details of formulation)

Anag profile image
Anag in reply tosamiris

Thanks for so many compliments!! I use isopropanol alcohol from the pharmacy. The tea tree oil also works lightly antiviral. 😁 my skin feels good after disinfection instead of raw and burning.

samiris profile image
samiris in reply toAnag

Thanks Anag,

There are some natural materials that behave relatively/slightly antiviral and/or antibacterial. Coconut oil is not much friendly to bacteria. So, it is very healthy to be used for skin treatment in neat composition than commercial products like Nivea. Since ancient times people were washing their eyes with tea because they observed it useful. That is due to antibacterial/antiviral character of tea, as you stated.

Anag profile image
Anag in reply tosamiris

Yes! I’m so glad you’re also on a super track!

I use only coconut oil in my whole skin and as a make us remover. It has 25 factor sun protection! I also do oil pulling with it and use it as a carrier oil for essential oils wether I take them internally or externally.

When I have an eye infection or irritation, I make a strong camomile tea and do eye baths with it.

I just believe that God have given us everything we need. I use strong meds only in case of emergencies. All else is keeping the body as healthy as possible so that it slowly recovers and strengthens and it doesn’t get sick in the first place.


Anag profile image
Anag in reply toMostew


I collect about 4kg for the year. Family if 3. I cut each into 6 pieces and all get dried I. The oven at 60-70C. Then I put them in an old cotton pillowcase. I take a handful of them, put them in a large plastic cup filled with water. Leave 24 hrs. I separate the amount I to thirds. Through a sieve, I put the soapy liquid into the machine and 1/3 of the nuts into a little laundry bag with zipper. They wash beautifully. I add a bit of lavender or geranium essential oil to the last rinse cycle. If white clothes, I add a tbsp of oxygen powder. No more chemicals for me or for the world.

Apparently, Ivy leaves work really well too. Haven’t tried them yet. Good luck.

Scrollernut profile image
Scrollernut in reply toAnag

WOW! That’s all I can say right now. Time for a deep look at my life style!

Anag profile image
Anag in reply toScrollernut

Hi Scrollernut!

Do it! I’m so glad many of my friends are catching onto this. I have had a nasty feeling in my stomach every time I poured detergent on my clothes and into the atmosphere. No one talks about this. Alone the perfumes in them are damaging to us. The stronger they smell, the more damaging. They are also full of xenoestrogens.

Now that I’m chemical free for 2.5 years, I get really sick when I even smell detergents or soaps on other people’s clothes, hair or bodies. Same goes for the rest of my family. As consumers, we grew up with this and our bodies (imm. system) are used to fighting them. We don’t notice. Once that all clears out, we are slammed by them.

Can you imagine all the chemically scented Cremes, baby wipes and shampoos we put (me too) on the new born? What are they doing to them? Why are 50% of all children by the age of 10 fighting with allergies, intolerances or autoimmune disease? My baby girl got rheumatism at 2 yrs old after her tick shot. Her body was already overflowing with scents, preservatives, cleaning agents, gluten, antibiotic fed cow’s milk. I just cry thinking about it. I had to get cancer to finally make a change.

👍 Anag

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply toAnag

I’m looking forward to making it with your special recipe

Life teaches us some hard lessons doesn’t it .

BUT the main thing is they give us an opportunity to change .

You have done a great job of learning some very hard ones ...

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply toAnag


How is your daughters health now.

Anag profile image
Anag in reply toMostew

Thanks for your kind words, Mostew.

My daughter is generally doing very well. The diet not only cleared the rheumatism, but also her dermatitis and her brain. She is a diagnosed Aspergers and there is almost no sign left of that at all, about 1,5 years after starting the autoimmune paleo diet and also letting intolerances out of her diet: all grains except rice, Zucchini!, honey!, goats milk ok.


She did some extremely heavy weight carrying and had her wisdoms out (extreme psychological fear-she freaked out terribly and had to take a seditive). After these incidents, her right knee is collecting water and no MRI, Ultrasound, blood test can find anything. Cortisone got the swelling down. Then it came right back. We are waiting for the results of gene testing and the histologic results of the liquid in the knee.

I am tipping on Borreliose (Lyme disease!). I pray that I am wrong, but am prepared to tackle that with all possible alternative therapies. She’s a dancer and was supposed to audition in the fall. She has hardly been able to walk for 2.5 months now. She said she felt symptoms creeping in since February. She’s very down as you can imagine. She feels her future is slipping through her fingers and out of reach.

Just as I’m writing, I thought of my infrared lamp. I will research immediately and try it on her! It has helped my thyroid a lot.

Cheers! Anag

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply toAnag

Thank you for letting me know how she is . It’s one thing after another . Exhausting .

If anyone can route out the cause it’s you !

Warmest wishes to your daughter so frustrating for her

Anag profile image
Anag in reply toMostew

Thank you for your understanding. I feel like I’m not alone!


Anag profile image
Anag in reply toMostew

Hi Mostew,

An update on my daughter!

It’s been a looong year. My daughter got worse and worse. One alternative doctor did myodiagnostic testing last September and found that whatever is happening in the knee is directly linked to the tonsils and I should go after that. ENTs said we shouldn’t do a tonsillectomy. Removing tonsils doesn’t guarantee anything and is dangerous.

I went to a top infection specialist andshe was diagnosed with rheumatic fever! He also said it etwas definitely NOT rheumatism, which had always been my opinion. I asked again if it could be Lyme. „Don’t even go there! It’s a barrel without a bottom.“ he said. We started a 1-2yr antibiotic treatment for the RFever last Sept, which included strong anti inflammatories and stomach acid meds. Late October she got serious salmonella, since her stomach and gut was then completely unprotected against due to the therapy. She was in hospital with 3. days of severe diarrhea and bleeding from behind. They only gave her IV salts and watched her, while I slipped in high doses of intestinal bacteria and antibiotic tea (ginger, clove, cinnamon stick-which I made myself). I also crushed and added all kinds of vitamins and VitD to her white rice and apple sauce. She was out of hospital 2 days earlier than expected and was eating normally in just 2 weeks! I needed 3 months to eat normally after my salmonella.

Well, She stopped the rheumatic fever treatment herself and i finally intensively looked for someone to test for chronic Lyme. We waited 2 months for the appointment snd drove 220km to get to this leading homeopath/functional doctor end of January.

He found that she was highly toxic with heavy metals, parasites and other chronic strep and EBV we’re creating havoc. not a signal organ system was functioning properly! He also said that if I hadn’t been doing what I was doing over the years, she might have been disabled by now! He ordered a 2 month intensive detox to strengthen her organs before further treatment and metal chelation. He also put her on the Coimbra protocol, to lower inflammation in her body. 50,000 IUs of Vit D daily!!! She wasn’t allowed any calcium and had to pee at least 2.5 liter a day and take super high mg supplements. He took blood and sent it to a special lab in Germany for Lyme Testing. €850 for that. 😳

Jackpot! She had not one, but FOUR Lyme stems that were chronically active in her body! How is that even possible! We started natural and homeopathic Lyme treatment which will take about 2 years. Antibiotics wouldn‘t be ideal, since she had the EBV.

The Coimbra protocol strengthened her body, she was able to sleep again and her hair started to grow fast, not to mention that her pimples were gone. 😁

The latest is, she got her tonsils removed in April. Voilà! He knee swelling went down by 90% in 2 weeks and has stayed there! So the other alternative doctor was also right. I can’t believe that the Uni Prof. wanted to give her 1000mg of IV cortisone while she had a fever just a day before she was hospitalized for salmonella!! I’ve completely lost my trust now.

She’s doing well. A few days ago, she was climbing a cliff in Zakynthos and a couple days before that, she swam with a huge Caretta sea turtle! She’s slowly beginning to have the ability to live her life and I now believe she will get to the point of leading a healthy life and have children. This has been exhausting and emotionally draining for her, my husband and for me. My thrombos had exploded since last summer and now they’re at about 500 since March. Oh the dangers of stress.

Hope you are doing well.

Anag. 🙂

My motto:

never give up on what my gut is telling me. It’s usually based on a lot of experience!

in reply toAnag

🌼 well said l agree with everything you say and the healthy way your living your life lm definitely going to take a 🌿 out of your book.Thank you


SoledadBarcelona profile image

Of course, and even from mamographies, Xrays, etc

This is an interesting study of Italian village which has an extraordinary number of residents over the age of 100 and has been the recent subject of scientific studies and was featured on BBC News channel

The research team spent 5 months and analysed blood samples from more than 80 residents, and discovered extraordinarily low levels of adrenomedullin, a hormone that widens blood vessels.

The levels of adrenomedullin were similar to those you would normally find in people in their 20s and 30s,

In addition, those living in the region suffer from fewer diseases than those living in other western countries.

“We found that they don’t have the sort of chronic diseases that we see in the US such as heart disease, obesity and Alzheimer’s,” Dr Maisel said.

“We noticed that they don’t suffer from cataracts.

Most people in the US, if you are over 80, you have cataracts. We saw none,” he said.

Mostew profile image
Mostew in reply to

Very interesting

mhos61 profile image
mhos61 in reply to

Hi Dovme.

I don’t know if you’re aware the link isn’t working.....for me at least!

in reply tomhos61

Apologies Checked it and it works on mine

Not sure why perhaps YouTube need to be logged on ?

samiris profile image
samiris in reply to

For me also it says "Video unavailable".

Perhaps in some countries it's not available, or only works in the UK.

in reply tosamiris

You could be right here is another video from Aljazeera showing same research

If you cannot see this film search 'Acciaroli longevity lots on google as it was widely featured on various news networks

Not what you're looking for?

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