I'm so greatful for this , I was worrying about this very much , now we can enjoy our home , without the stress of having to move to smaller property , x
My Critacal illness has been accepted. - MPN Voice
My Critacal illness has been accepted.
Hi Phelpsy- what a massive relief that must be for you I'm made up your claim was accepted. I bet you're like a wee dog wi' 2 tails I know I would be. I understand how stressful it is as I am having to once again justify my MF to re-claim a benefit and if I am unsuccessful I really don't know how we will manage. Talk about kicking you when you're down. . . Eh well it's good to know we're all in it together.
Make sure you have a celebration of this great news as it isn't often you get a good reason for a jolly good knees up.
Cheers JRx
Awww JR your so jolly , I love reading your messages ,
I'm crossing everything hoping you get sorted , it's just Not right we have to fight For these things ,
Yes I'm deffis booking a holiday , x
Mind I only got back yesterday
From Our yearly holiday in Alcante
That's where I got my news the Bank rang us , you can imagine how delighted I was , summer saults in the Pool x
You Take care ,
Pam x
Don't ever give up when it comes to disability benefits. I had my benefit stopped without warning a few years ago and I appealed and took it all the way to a tribunal and won. The DWP will try to say NO at every turn but your appeal is usually assessed by a professional with no targets to meet!! Of course finding someone who understands MF in another matter. Good luck.
Hi Trevic I know its tough coz under the freedom of info act a guy asked the DWP in 2013 what info' they had on MF and guess what they didnt. They said they now refer to the Oxford Med Dict. Its an uphill battle but Im not easily deterred. Thanks for your support it makes one all the more determined. . Cheers JR
Congratulations, that's great news and what a relief for you. Though it should not be such a struggle for you or worry for you to get what you are entitled to. Lovely to hear some good news and so pleased this will take some worry and stress away for you. Take care Liz C xx
Thank you Liz ,x
I would never of thought it Possible , if I hadn't of heard it mentioned on here ,
I'm so tearful everyone I talk about it x I really can't believe it x
Hope your keeping well x
am so pleased for you
So made up for you, I really am. My husband worked in a quarry for years and when you are young you never think twice about picking up huge slabs of rock and hauling them into a pile but in his late 40's he found through x ray that 3 of his vertebra had worn down so badly that he was told he had the spine of an 80 year old. He applied for disability benefit and the doctor who assessed him put down that he was able to climb stairs. We were gobsmacked as we lived in a bungalow so how did he see him climb stairs? Our claim was unsuccessful so we appealed. The process took over a year, during which we lost our car and home as we couldn't keep up with the payments with only my salary. My husband by this time was having to walk with sticks and only for very small distances as he couldn't stand the pain in his spine. Anyway, we won the appeal but at such a horrible cost. The assessor at the appeal even apologised for what we had gone through but it was all too late. We are now in rental accommodation, my hubby has to use a stair lift and he is stooped over so badly.
I hope you have peace of mind now.
My husband and I look after each other now.