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National Migraine Centre

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Chronic Migraine posts

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a possible answer

In despair because I am having so many with aura of late I started Dolovent...
Kateeliz profile image

Frequent bouts with aura

I am having increasing bouts of migraine with aura.seem to be several on a week ...
Kateeliz profile image

Feeling Very Stuck

Hi, I'm really hoping someone can help, I'm a chronic migraine sufferer and I fe...
Ellie252 profile image
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Has anyone tried Vyepti?

My neurologist wants me to try Vyepti for migraine prevention. I tried Qulipta a...
Purple_22 profile image

migraine - epilepsy

hello, me again I’m new to this site so have a few different questions. I ...
Hama123 profile image

migraine at work - discrimination

I just wanted to get some advice and see if anyone has been through this aswell....
Hama123 profile image

FAO: ALL Chronic CH Sufferers... (Please share ANYTHING that HELPS)

What can be done????? I have suffered for 20 years and i am not content on havin...

Aura and hemiplegic migraines

Hey everyone, i recently talked about the progression from my migraines to only ...
Kevin160 profile image

(7th Annual) Migraine World Summit. Discover what dozens of world-leading migraine experts and doctors really do for migraine.

Discover what dozens of world-leading migraine experts, doctors, and specialists...

Horrible migraines

Hello everyone, i used to get migrained every few months or so, i got laser eye ...
Kevin160 profile image

Does anyone have symptoms of confusion or very short term memory loss while taking amitritylene? I take 30mg a day for prophylactic migraine

Wondering why my short term memory is not quite sharp as it used to be.
Theafleur profile image

Tapering off candesartan for migraine

I want to come off 16mg candesartan which is not working for migraine prevention...
Wrexham16 profile image

Chronic migraine

I suffered badly with migraine in my 40s - 3 days of pain with vomiting and diar...
Wrexham16 profile image

Things I do to combat migraine.

Hi there, After reading on my news feed recently about a lady who suffers fro...
Oestwing profile image

Topidimate drugs

I have been on Topidimate for 2 months for migraine but having visual problems. ...
Kaliwali profile image

fighting to keep eyes open when no more tired than usual

hi all, recently i’ve been really struggling to keep my eyes open at certain tim...
avavs777 profile image

Migraine/IBS link?

Does anyone else experience a worsening of IBS when their Migraine headaches are...
Pippwin profile image

Teenage daily migraines

First of all, sorry about my long-winded message. My 14 year old daughter has b...

14 year old had migraine for 10 months with no relief

Hi, I'm just looking for some advice regarding my daughter. She has suffered wi...
friars126 profile image

Has anyone got experience of loosing sight in one eye and that eye drooping? If so, what helped? Doctors say it is stress related.

My daughter suffers from severe migraines almost daily, so stress and enxiety ar...
JB52 profile image

Topiramate: will I get the side effects again?

Hi! Has anyone stopped taking this medication and came back to it after a few mo...

does anybody have this problem

Hi All My problem is my eyes get flashing lights, tongue and cheeks go numb and ...
HN16DFD profile image

Preventing an aura ?

I have been getting aura migraines with numbness and pins and needles in hands f...
Kevin160 profile image

Has anyone developed motion sickness since suffering from migraines?

As a child I was anything but motion sick. I used to be obsessed with spinning t...

More frequent aura migraines

I was happy that in 2019 i only got 2 migraines But so far this year alone i go...
Kevin160 profile image

Migraine associated vertigo(nonstop dizziness)

Been suffering from chronic dizziness nonstop due to migraine associated vertigo...
10beast profile image

How to properly use the cefaly migrane headband

This is not a super drug that brings instant cures. You will have to use it dail...

Living with migraines, or should I say: surviving...

I'm 38yo and have migraines since my first period at 11yo... Have tried several ...
CeliaAleixo profile image

Aura migraine

Hi, I'm new to the group & I fear having a migraine. I don't know why but I suff...
Loucie147 profile image

Migraine Issue

Hello, I am new here, i want to discuss my migraine issuue
elisaFraq profile image
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