In despair because I am having so many with aura of late
I started Dolovent at suggestion of GP
I called the company who supply it and spoke to the owner who has years of medical expertise I asked why magnesium oxide as it’s hard to tolerate on the bathroom dept and he said it interacts with the gut where the problems often arise with migraine ( gut health is the key to nearly every health issue - even my dentist talks about it )
. Long story short he thinks my migraines are histamine related and that the gut needs detoxing -this ties I with alot of gut issues I have and the severe histamine e intolerance auto immune issues my daughter has .he mentioned all the auto immune specialists I have been dealing f with and was very very knowledgeable his expertise is histamine and this led him to come up with the migraine treatment which is the fairly gold p standard of magnesium riboflavin and cp q10 but with magnesium oxide
I am truly not selling anything or promoting them but look it up on their website and then Google Toxaprevent which is Clonoptilplite and it does really make you think there is hope !
nouveau healthcare
I am going to do this protocol because I truly believed in what he said and apart from some money there’s nothing to lose
He takes calls and is a very nice man which is a bonus !