Hi, I'm new to the group & I fear having a migraine. I don't know why but I suffered when I was a teenager but didn't really take any notice of them. Haven't had one fir 45 years until last year when I was 56. I'm now 57. Getting them somtimes twice a day. Mine is the aura & supensitivity to light. Anyone else dread them coming on & how do they tackle with it? Thank you for reading
Aura migraine: Hi, I'm new to the group... - National Migraine...
Aura migraine

When you say 'aura', does that mean a visual disturbance (the flashing lights and so on?), with or without a headache?
Yes it's aura but not any headache. Just very sensitive to light afterwards.
Yea, that's what happens to me, though I have to say, I gave up cheese and all dairy last year for another reason, and I've not had an episode since, so with me, it seems to be cheese that's a problem.. When I was having them I always had a pair of wraparound sunglasses to hand to cut the light down for the photophobic problems. I can't say I feared having attacks, but when they were 2 or 3 a day, I wouldn't drive on a motorway, only on side streets where I could pull over for 45 minutes till it passed, so I used to be anxious about having one when, say, in the fast lane of a motorway, and therefore stopped using that sort of road.
Re the sunglasses - because I wear spectacles, I ordered sunglasses that can be worn over your own specs - they're great, they really exclude light all the way round, though you can still see to drive, of course.
In your case, I wonder if its hormonal, because you had them as an adolescent, and now again in menopause - maybe hrt will sort it.
Hi Loucie I know how you feel I have aura migranes every month at least 3. This month I am up to number 6. I used get them as a teen then the aura disappeared. Now I'm 36 and started over the last 12 months getting them all the time. I have anxiety and constantly worrying I am going to get one especially at work !!! I been to neurologist and he did not seem bothered and suggested a preventative. I have not started them yet as hate medication. He gave me a MRI for peace of mind which all came back clear
I asked my Doctor to send me for an MRI but she just said I have typical migraine & there is no need. I'm like you I worry about getting a migraine to the point that it's like living on egg shells. I'm going to start HRT patches as I think it maybe my menopause as I have bad hot flushes.
I have found natures way feverfew really helps me.
Yes me to didn’t ever suffer from them till i was 58 then had one aura really scary, dreaded having another one but didn’t get another for 18 months then started every couple months sometimes a lot more in all situations driving sleeping just sitting sometimes no warning at all fuzzy couple days after heady , just learned not to panic put my sunglasses on and sit quietly wait for the fireworks to settle, have had 2 in one day try to not stress to much doesn’t help and makes you feel worse, I know it’s easier said than done 😉 best wishes for migraine free Christmas