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National Migraine Centre

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Has anyone tried either Rimagepant or galcanezumab for vestibular migraine?

It take pizotifen and amitriptyline for vestibular migraine which seems to reduc...
Vieille profile image

hypnic migraine

Has anyone found anything to help with hypnic migraines. These are headaches tha...
Purplesyd profile image

I feel I've tried everything. What can I try next? Botox and Occipital Nerve Blocks: An overview

We are being asked increasingly about the relatively new injection treatments -...
Charlotte_NMC profile image
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Blood sugar and migraine by Dr Jane Horti

It is known that the most important dietary trigger for migraine is lack of food...
Charlotte_NMC profile image

Migraine Diaries

I have just created a poll to gauge how many people have kept a diary of their h...
Charlotte_NMC profile image

Share your experience of migraine - write a blog.

The word ‘blog’ stands for ‘web’ + ‘log’. Essentially, it is a place where yo...
Charlotte_NMC profile image

Why does the National Migraine Centre exist? Doesn't the NHS treat headaches?

A recent Guardian online article prompts this blog but it is a question I often ...
Charlotte_NMC profile image
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