I have been on Topidimate for 2 months for migraine but having visual problems. Has anyone else had the same problems.
Topidimate drugs: I have been on... - National Migraine...
Topidimate drugs

Curious what you mean visual problems? If you didn't take the medication would you still have the issues or is it only when you take the medication?
Yes, I had slight double vision. My optician checked my eyes and also suspected Glaucoma. No family history etc. Hospital did not find this however I now have Drusion and believe this is a result from Topiramate. Eye problems are listed in side effects unfortunately but are however rare.
Yes. Double vision, blurry vision and seeing trails. I stopped taking topiramate nearly three years ago and my vision hasn’t completely returned to normal. I also couldn’t drive at night because I couldn’t handle street lights and traffic lights were blinding (couldn’t see other objects around me). This symptom did eventually go away, and I am able to drive at night again, but it took quite a while.