Had great success getting rid of Migraines and Chronic Daily Headache with Aimovig injection. But have side effect of chronic constipation, trapped wind and abdominal pains (IBSc sufferer). The clinical pharmacist is telling me just to take laxatives (which then leave me with unpredictable diarrhoea) and is surprised as none of her other patients have this side effect. Anyone else had success sorting out that side of things with Aimovig?
Aimovig Side Effects: Had great success... - National Migraine...
Aimovig Side Effects

The CGRP's are known to exacerbate IBS, it annoys me they don't realise this ! I was only tried on 2 out of the 4 because they were known to do this. Even the ones like Ajovy which were supposed to better in this respect still really effected my gut.In the beginning me and couple of other patients complained our IBS was worse and we were told it wasn't a side effect, but that changed over the last 5 years and they actively warn people about it now. At least they do at my local hospital.
Did you manage to find something that helped with your migraine in the end (that was kind to IBS)? Had you tried the magnesium citrate too?
I had to go back to Botox, after 3 years on the CGRPs but it's taken 5 rounds to reduce the frequency though. I take Magnesium for another health problem, it doesn't make any difference to my migraines though. My neurologists said the data on magnesium was old and inconclusive anyway but there is good evidence for a high dose of B2 apparently, I couldn't tolerate it sadly, it hurt my bladder. I developed Bladder Pain Syndrome, my neurologist wonders if I developed it due to being on the CGRPs. I started on the contraceptive pill at the same time as they CGRPs, ironically bc my period was making my IBS worse, so I went on it continuously so I had no periods. Originally I thought it was being on the pill that caused the BPS when it might actually have been the CGRP all along. But the truth is we just don't know, which is very annoying!
Hi, it's great to hear your migranes have improved with aimovig, I've had 2 injections so far, but they haven't stopped my migrane s yet. I've also got constipation and bloating abdominal pain. My g.p has prescribed some laxative sachets, which are taken daily as a drink. They do work, but you have to make sure you're not going far, as they can cause loose bowels. I've also got ibs and constipation it is an unpleasant side effect of aimovig. I'm persevering, hoping the aimovig starts working, then at least the side effects won't be for nothing. Hope you're symptoms improve and you soon feeling better
Before I started the aimovig injections I was taking magnesium Citrate on my neurologist's advice as it can help migraine (in combination with B2 and Co enzyme Q10). Magnesium citrate is often actually prescribed for constipation and I just carried on taking it. I did have occasional problems the first 2 cycles but it settled down and I've been doing the injections for nearly a year now. Maybe that would have happened anyway but I think it is the magnesium. I take a high dose 400-600mg and it has to be citrate. Also lots of brands contain less magnesium than advertised so you need to be careful. Hope things improve for you
Oh that is helpful to know. I didn't actually get to speak to Neurology - I was sent straight to the hospital pharmacy (via Neurology) for the injections and she was surprised by the side effects (though they are listed). But I have written back to Neurology to ask for their advice.