I had my first migraine in my mid-twenties,. By the time I was forty, I had chronic migraines, about 3 a week. I can't remember all the different types of medications and treatments that I've had during this time, with the triptans working fairly well. Now, I haven't had a migraine in months. In May 2022 I went to see a chiropractor for a neuroma on my foot. I was fitted with othotics as well. I am continuing treatments with the chiropractor. This doens't make any sense to me. Nothing else has changed in the last 9 months. Does anyone know if there is a connection between migraines and foot issues?
Migraines stopped after 42 years of p... - National Migraine...
Migraines stopped after 42 years of pain!

hi I don’t know if any connection but is it possible that the change in migraines is related to a change in hormones? I know some patients have fewer to no migraines when their hormone levels change. Katie
I went through menopause about 12 years ago and there was no change at that time. I'm going to the doctor's next month. She might be able to figure it out. Thank you for your comment.
I do believe posture and gait can affect the cervical spine which in turn can trigger migraines and cause many neurological issues. Correcting your gait via your orthotics seem to have enabled this mechanism to readjust ?
I had the menopause nearly 9 years ago and still have almost daily migraines. The neurologist I am seeing said it can affect migraines up until 15 years after periods stop so I’m still hopeful that they will stop.
Thank you Sandra. I didn't know that it can take so long for the body to stabilize after menopause. I will talk to my doctor about. this. Wishing you the best!
Hi! I had migraines from the age of about four. However they stopped about ten years ago. When they first stopped I would wake up with headaches which I could only relieve with my Naramig but even those are gone now. The Dr thought it was being onHRT that made them worse. It took me a while to decide but I did come off it. It took a few more years and now I’m fine. I can sympathise with anyone that does get bad migraines because I remember the pain well.
the Chinese have mapped out which parts of the foot affect different parts of the body when using acupuncture or pressure points - see internet! That could be why ..
good it helps to take fresh avenues , in my opinion the off label drugs so often have side effects worse than the condition, after all they were not developed for Migraines incredibly only recently have drugs been specifically targeted at migraine eg the latest ‘gpants’ in 2019 but very very expensive or not approved yet in uk by NICE… hope is there however for the future ..
in fact you could try a traditional Chinese acupressure/ acupuncture expert rather than a chiro , I spent a lot of time working in China and Hong Kong and the locals use this type of medical solution very effectively in many cases .. ( but suggest not actual medicines themselves as some contain dangerous substances)