Hello migraineurs,
I’ve been dealing with migraines with aura for 7 years. they’ve been increasing to the point of chronic migraine with aura every single day if I’m not on preventive medications I was on amitriptyline and it stopped working & gave me extremely dry eyes.. now I’m on propranolol stopped working so I increased dose and it caused me to be extremely dizzy, shake and have breathing problems ( serious side effect). Also tried rizatriptan doesn’t work either.
Just left the doctor today & im feeling extremely defeated/ upset he told me he doesn’t know what else to do & he can’t help me anymore. Either to take the propranolol or don’t regardless of my severe side effects. He also told me to take 3 Advil’s/Tylenol every day even though I’ve explained that gives me rebound headaches. Now I’m going to have to stop the medication and suffer with migraines every day until I can see a neurologist in hopes of trying aimovig my appointment is 60+ days away and now the rest of my summer & birthday will also be ruined lol.
I’ve been taking magnesium,b12,coq10 & multi vitamins to try and prevent no luck and it’s been a few months ... I don’t know what to do anymore dealing with chronic pain & my mental illness is leaving me feeling extremely defeated I feel like giving up at this point I don’t want to live like this I’m 20 years old.