i feel devastated, i had 4 major aura/hemiplegic migraines in 3 days, the symptoms were very severe and i feel so drained and exhausted, im still in disbelief on how this happened, i used to only get them every few months, im not sure whats the trigger, the only thing i can think of is traveling, but that almost two weeks ago, my sinuses are congested and i have had a clogged nose for most of those 2 weeks.
i already booked an appointment at the neurologist, and i will likely repeat MRI/CT , its funny how the worst news to me would that nothing is wrong, its sad that somehow that can be worse than actually finding an answer other that “its just migraines that cant be cured, you need to learn to liv with them”
My question is, do sinuses affect aura migraines ? And what should i do to try and reduce their frequency and severity, i will probably go back to sibelium/flunarizine because i was on it for a while last year and i think it helps regardless of the bad side effects and contradictions with literally everything else on the planet.
Would appreciate any advice or encouragement, im so worried i may have to drop the semester, and im worried about work and my quality of life, i can not imagine having 2 hemiplegic migraines everyday, its too hard.
i think most people who are in my situations can agree when i say, its not about the migraines themelves, i can handle the aura, the pins and needles, the occasional fog and slurred speech, but the effect on my quality of life and the lack of predictibility is the worst part, im always worried about things normal people will never care about, if i have an exam or a presentation, or work, im not worrying about messing up because im not prepared, its because im worried that a migraine will ruin the things i worked so hard for and its so unfair.